Indoor Ash-A-Ton and the hybrid Hempy bucket

Maybe you can find a little more info here too. Cannadon be my brother lol. We are both pretty new as well. Both to growing and afn. About 7 months in. 3 harvests between the 2 of us so far. We have been trying a ton of stuff. From soil to hempy bucket variations

Currently I have soil the Stilton special. Grown in fox farms co co loco with some ocean Forest at the bottom. 5 gal diy air pot.
2 hybrid Dwc set ups
2 five gal dwc set ups.
The hybrids have only co co loco for top soil. Seedlings love it.
If you have any questions feel free to ask my man. And tag me in your grow log if/when you have one up and running!

I'll read this whole thing while slacking off at work! Lol. I'll be around for some questions I'm sure. .Funny ,though , I also have a Stilton going. Day 66 from seed. Can not wait to try it

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The skunks big sister
This is going to be the biggest one I have grown yet. She is also the one that took 2 weeks to grow. The one I gave a chance. The helmet stuck on her and the bean dried.
She lived. And thrives!
Super blueberry.
I have neglected her a little. She's not my favorite lol. Jk. Just was really swamped during her veg stretch and didn't really get the chance to fine tune her. Plus she grew strange
Smells so awesome though. And very frosty. Not the size or bud size I'm wanting though. If super quality I won't mind the size as much
But she looks as if she is nearing the end. I'll check the trichs in a few days.
I'll read this whole thing while slacking off at work! Lol. I'll be around for some questions I'm sure. .Funny ,though , I also have a Stilton going. Day 66 from seed. Can not wait to try it

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Saweeet!! I do love me some mephisto genetics. And your grow is looking killer btw. You should show some of that off a little more in live stoners! More ppl needs to see your stuff man. Very impressed.
Forgot to add @Scirzo
Hey man! Always a joy seeing your Shibari pics. Hahaha!

By the way, I convinced the missus that I needed a fast, high yielder, based upon my current yields and daily needs and such. Seeing that I'm no longer "allowed" to grow in the summer, because of temp issues that cost too much to resolve.

In short: I bought three Jack 47 seeds by Sweet Seeds.

Just in time for my next grow! Hahaha! So thanks again!
Had to slap the big bi*** around. She is going to be a real Jurassic MF
By far the biggest yet. For sure. Just now getting to her preflower stretch. Can't believe her growth. She could double

Buddha now resides in her jungle bush. Deep in there
Stilton special now under the Platinum led

She's a nice girl pretty lady. So my girls are pretty ladies. But I'm the master in this MF and I like my ladies tied up.
She's not taking good pics under the reds. I'll get her a nice shot in a few days