Indoor I’m Back: Mephisto Bluetoof Special and Cosmic Queen - 1 Liter Soilless Hempy

I think I’ve screwed up my solo cup gals. They’ve not been growing as much as I would have thought they would given where they’re at in their life cycle. I think I know the problem, too. When I was initially setting up the cups, I don’t think I put enough hydroton in the cups. This resulted in the coco setting down in the reservoir at the bottom of the cups. This results in the coco maintaining constant saturation. So, I think I’m going to try to keep one cup - the Blackberry Kush. It seems to be doing the best overall. The others are going to get chucked. Live and learn.

Day 45. Things are cruising right along. I got my new circulation fan and installed it this past Sunday. I am a bit worried that I didn’t correct the potassium and magnesium deficiencies quickly enough when I originally spotted them. As a result, my yields might not necessarily be what they would have been otherwise. I’ve culled all of the solo cup gals with the exception of the DP Blackberry Kush. I’ve removed the cardboard box from underneath it and I am only using a spare tote to prop it up until it catches up to the light. It is motoring right along on its Day 10. All in all, I am happy with how this is turning out so far. I’m 2/3 of the way home. Another 3 to 4 weeks and I’ll be harvesting.

Cosmic Queen

Bluetoof Special

Creme De La Chem

Blackberry Kush

Whole Tent


From the Lights

A Little Trick Photography (to make me look like a better grower than I really am)

Comments and questions are welcome. Happy growing everyone!
You are no longer relying on tricks to get by. You are the real thing. Do you use the solo cup as a mini DWC?

Day 45. Things are cruising right along. I got my new circulation fan and installed it this past Sunday. I am a bit worried that I didn’t correct the potassium and magnesium deficiencies quickly enough when I originally spotted them. As a result, my yields might not necessarily be what they would have been otherwise. I’ve culled all of the solo cup gals with the exception of the DP Blackberry Kush. I’ve removed the cardboard box from underneath it and I am only using a spare tote to prop it up until it catches up to the light. It is motoring right along on its Day 10. All in all, I am happy with how this is turning out so far. I’m 2/3 of the way home. Another 3 to 4 weeks and I’ll be harvesting.

Cosmic Queen
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Bluetoof Special
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Creme De La Chem
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Blackberry Kush
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Whole Tent
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From the Lights
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A Little Trick Photography (to make me look like a better grower than I really am)
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Comments and questions are welcome. Happy growing everyone!
You are no longer relying on tricks to get by. You are the real thing. Do you use the solo cup as a mini DWC?
I just fake it until I make it. :toke:

No. I don’t use the the solo cup as a mini DWC. I could. I should give it a try some time.

I just have it set up the same way as my other bottles. It’s just half the size. Technically, 18 fl. oz. is 532 ml. So a bit more than half of the size.
Today is Day 48 and Day 13. This is my favorite part of the grow - the thiccccening. Bud stacking. Bud swelling. Whatever you want to call it. Historically for me, it has been the time of greatest frustration because my leaves would go all manky on me. Potassium deficiency, calcium deficiency, magnesium deficiency. You name it and I’ve seen it. Usually during this stage, my plants would look like they were going through an active war zone. So far, I’m managing everything pretty least I think I am. I’m going to shoot for 77 days, but ultimately, that’ll be up to the plants to tell me. And I’m hoping for 5 to 6 ounces...again, we’ll have to wait and see.

Cosmic Queen

Bluetoof Special

Creme De La Chem

Blackberry Kush

Whole Tent


From the Lights

Welcome to the Jungle

Comments and questions welcome. Happy growing everyone!
Day 51 and Day 16. For the most part, autopilot has been engaged and doing a bang up job. I am not really seeing anything that leads me to think that there’s a major problem.

I topped the Blackberry Kush just above it’s third node on Day 14 (this past Sunday). That should give it 6 main colas. Sounds just about perfect. On Monday, she just kicked it into high gear and started growing like a weed (ha! Ya see what I did there?).

I went digging through my literature and saw that the breeders give 60-70 days from sprout on all of these strains. That means that they SHOULD be done in the next 3 weeks. I’m not gonna hold my breath, though. On Saturday, I’ll start taking some pictures of the trichomes just to check.

Cosmic Queen


Bluetoof Special


Creme De La Chem


Blackberry Kush


Whole Tent


From the Lights

Ground Level View

As always, comments and questions are welcome. Happy growing everyone!
Yes, you are just like a steam powered locomotive on auto drive. I love seeing the crystal all over the ladies. Keep them on track.

Train derailment in Clarence Iowa Sept 1977 A.jpeg
Day 55 and 20. Cruising right along...for the most part. I think it’s the beginning of the end for the Cosmic Queen. I’ve had to pull some really traumatized leaves off of her in the past couple of days. She’s seriously rootbound. So much so that it’s taking forever to water her. I think I’ll be lucky to push her for 14 more days, but what do I know? The Bluetoof Special and the Creme De La Chem are on auto pilot. The Blackberry Kush suddenly got big. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves:

Cosmic Queen

Bluetoof Special

Creme De La Chem

Blackberry Kush

Whole Tent


From the Lights

Ground Level

Mostly Cloudy

Comments and questions are welcome. Happy growing everyone!
Day 55 and 20. Cruising right along...for the most part. I think it’s the beginning of the end for the Cosmic Queen. I’ve had to pull some really traumatized leaves off of her in the past couple of days. She’s seriously rootbound. So much so that it’s taking forever to water her. I think I’ll be lucky to push her for 14 more days, but what do I know? The Bluetoof Special and the Creme De La Chem are on auto pilot. The Blackberry Kush suddenly got big. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves:

Cosmic Queen
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Bluetoof Special
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Creme De La Chem
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Blackberry Kush
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Whole Tent
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From the Lights
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Ground Level
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Mostly Cloudy
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Comments and questions are welcome. Happy growing everyone!
I'm a smilin'. :yay:This is for me the best time to be watching them