Indoor I’m Back: Mephisto Bluetoof Special and Cosmic Queen - 1 Liter Soilless Hempy

Today is Day 34. I seem to have put the Cosmic Queen’s symptoms in check for now. I will, therefore, continue the Cal/Mag Pro and Bud Explosion. The preflower stretch is slowing down. I will measure again early next week to double check. All in all, I’m pretty pleased with how things are going so far.

There’s still nothing from the cups - not that I’m expecting anything for another day or two or even longer. I’ve been splashing the cups with about 25 ml of plain water once per day just to keep the coco moist. are the photos:

Cosmic Queen

Bluetoof Special

Creme De La Chem

Whole Tent


From the Lights

As always, comments and questions welcome. Happy growing eveyone!
I am going to call this Day 1 for the solo cups. Last night, the G14 and the Purple Nuggets popped above the surface. This morning, the Blackberry Kush joined them. Still no appearance from the Auto Livers. The G14 looked a little stretchy, so after I took photos, I placed two totes with the lids on underneath their tote to prop them up closer to the lights.



Comments and questions welcome and, as always, happy growing everyone!
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As of this morning, all four of the solo cup gals are above surface and running. The G14 and the Blackberry Kush were looking leggy this morning, so I took out the totes and put it a cardboard box to prop up their tote even higher. I went to put my circulation fan back in the tent to help strengthen their stems only to discover that it’s no longer working. I have a new one on order, but I won’t get it until Monday.

On a side note, the tent is starting to look a bit crowded. I thought it might get a little tight, but not like this. Thankfully, I’m getting used to controlled chaos in my grows. You’ll see in the photos tomorrow.
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Today is Day 38 for the 1 liter gals and Day 3 for the solo cups. Everything is moving along swimmingly. The Cosmic Queen is still being finicky. I’m just going to keep pushing everything the way it is. I figure I’m half way home and there’s not really a whole lot I could do at this point anyway. I’ve got the Mega Crop at 3 g/gal, Cal+Mag Pro at 1 g/gal and the Bud Explosion at 1 g/gal. I’ve got a real itch to go in and defoliate, but I’m going to keep it on schedule and do it next Monday.

Cosmic Queen

Bluetoof Special

Creme De La Chem

Solo Cups (without their makeshift stand)

Whole Tent


From the Lights

Comments and questions are welcome. Happy growing everyone!
Comment: Happy you both are ok. Just need to think for yourself in this pandemic and think of others first.

Keep up the good work. You are making it look easy. Oh how far we have travelled since we first showed up here.

Today is Day 34. I seem to have put the Cosmic Queen’s symptoms in check for now. I will, therefore, continue the Cal/Mag Pro and Bud Explosion. The preflower stretch is slowing down. I will measure again early next week to double check. All in all, I’m pretty pleased with how things are going so far.

There’s still nothing from the cups - not that I’m expecting anything for another day or two or even longer. I’ve been splashing the cups with about 25 ml of plain water once per day just to keep the coco moist. are the photos:

Cosmic Queen
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Bluetoof Special
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Creme De La Chem
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Whole Tent
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From the Lights
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As always, comments and questions welcome. Happy growing eveyone!
Comment: Happy you both are ok. Just need to think for yourself in this pandemic and think of others first.

Keep up the good work. You are making it look easy. Oh how far we have travelled since we first showed up here.
Thank you for the compliment. I remember when we were first starting out, we were to every minute detail. Everything had to be just so. So, just to let you know exactly how far I’ve come, I’m not weighing my nutrients this grow. I’m just measuring 1/2 teaspoons and 1/4 teaspoons. I’m not even adjusting pH...and I’m using my crappy tap water that I had previously tested with a pH of 9.2. That is the secret that I had alluded to earlier in my thread here. Muahahahaha!!!

Day 41. Well...we are chugging right along. In my last update, I mentioned that I was itching to defoliate the gals. Well, I did some calculating and figured that we’re about three weeks into flower as of yesterday, so I went ahead and gave ‘em a major haircut yesterday afternoon. I removed so many leaves that I thought I might have overdone it. Alas, they made it through the night and seem to be bulking up a bit already. The Cosmic Queen and the Bluetoof Special are starting to frost up. If I can keep things on course for the next 30 days, I might actually be satisfied with this grow - it’ll be something new for me. Here’s how things are looking:

Cosmic Queen

Bluetoof Special

Creme De La Chem

The Little Gals

Whole Tent


From the Lights

Cosmic Queen Frost

Thanks for stopping by. Comments and questions are welcome. Happy growing everyone!
Thank you for the compliment. I remember when we were first starting out, we were to every minute detail. Everything had to be just so. So, just to let you know exactly how far I’ve come, I’m not weighing my nutrients this grow. I’m just measuring 1/2 teaspoons and 1/4 teaspoons. I’m not even adjusting pH...and I’m using my crappy tap water that I had previously tested with a pH of 9.2. That is the secret that I had alluded to earlier in my thread here. Muahahahaha!!!

A more relaxed approach to not killing weeds in your garden. That's brilliant !!