Indoor Vicks Purple Lights 18 gal DWC and Hempy | LEDs

Marijuana is incredibly resilient and picky at the same time. Don't be pissed. Pick up the pieces and learn something.

If I had extra tent corners on me to replace the broken ones, I would have been going strong.. But like you said, move on, learn something.. Now I have new tent and ten extra corners in case it happens again lol. Much less weight on the bars now and I placed the fan outside the tent this time. I'll make a new thread later today. Crossing my fingers for this next round to go smoothly. Gotta be more aware this time.

even after the tent collapse things could have been a lot worse until that point everything looked awesome dwc was doing exactly whats its meant to and the ladies looked beautiful
3 oz aint to be sniffed at and i hope the ganga gods smile on you for ya next grow :ladies:

Thanks flub, yeah I'm definitely counting my blessings on this one. Learned a lot of stuff to make my next go at dwc a lot better. Very happy with the 3oz especially right as we speak. Just had a vape bag and feeelin grrrrrreat!

Awww maaan!! That really stinks man.Sorry for your troubles my friend. --> :wiz: <-- A friend of mine was telling me that you can buy heavyier duty 3 way brackets in either 1/2" or even 3/4" depending on your tubing in your tent.I dno how true that is.Just thought it might be a worthwhile investment to either have on hand and/or just replace them right away...? just a thought. I wish you the very best!!!I know when you put sooo much time,effort and LOVE into something and it just wierds out on you for whatever reason man,it feels like ya got punched in the heart.Rem
Awww maaan!! That really stinks man.Sorry for your troubles my friend. --> :wiz: <-- A friend of mine was telling me that you can buy heavyier duty 3 way brackets in either 1/2" or even 3/4" depending on your tubing in your tent.I dno how true that is.Just thought it might be a worthwhile investment to either have on hand and/or just replace them right away...? just a thought. I wish you the very best!!!I know when you put sooo much time,effort and LOVE into something and it just wierds out on you for whatever reason man,it feels like ya got punched in the heart.Rem

Thanks brother. Couldn't have said it better myself. It's like finding out your woman just cheated on you.. My heart definitely dropped and I went into a little panic attack.. haha. I picked up 10 of those heavy duty brackets and they are legit! 2x thicker than the stock pieces. So far, no signs of bending or stress on them in my new setup. Keeping a close eye on them.
One thing Im going to think about when I get my tent fairly soon,is that buy some T brackets too so as I can make 2 shorter lengths with a T bracket in the middle so you can hace a vertical support on atleast three of the long unsuppored sections too.Ya buddy!! Tizzz all good. like Joe Dirt says."Keep on Keepin on" LOL!!Just thought cause Ive never owned my own tent.YET ! LMAO!ya to put soo much time and love into something,like a woman you love too that breaks or breaks your heart.OH LAWDY! yer heart just aches,your scared and mad all at the same time every 3.2 seconds.LMAO!!And tizz all good brotha man cause it could have been WAAY worse too.Im glad youll be able to bounce back from it in NO TIME whatsoever too. Happy Karma spirits rollin out your way brother!No worries. :group:
Every support corner on my tent gave way over night, cracked in half and all the lights, carbon filter and inline fan fell right on top of the plants, crushing and burning them for about 6 hours overnight. I am officially the most pissed off dude in the fucking universe right now. All that work from thanksgiving. Trying to save everything but I've got bent broken stems all over the place and my room reeks of fried weed.

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oh that made me ill looking at that oh no poor girls......
glad to hear you still got a harvest from it :D
wishing you good karma on the next run and big buds......
Apparently, the total amount to my attachment uploads dropped to 9mb resulting in me having to delete all of my pictures to upload new ones on a new thread. Cool.
Apparently, the total amount to my attachment uploads dropped to 9mb resulting in me having to delete all of my pictures to upload new ones on a new thread. Cool. hosts a shit ton of my photos... don't have to upload them to this site at all... just use links. And they have pretty good security too. Always clear the exif data before you upload though. If you archived all your photos you can reupload them to is or any other image host and edit your old posts. I know it's a bit of work like that, but then you have free infinite storage that never gets deleted.
Some sexy nugs, Sue, I mean Vick. ;)
I owe you :slap: