Indoor Ash-A-Ton and the hybrid Hempy bucket

Wondering if this one took photo Gene. No sex still. Or maybe just a monster auto?.
Either way I'm happy


Ya man. I love roots. I love pictures of roots. One of my goals is to fill my rez (27 gallons) with roots. I have had a couple big ass root balls, but nothing compares to the solo cup ebb and flow roots. They formed a perfect solo cup, complete with indentations. No lettering though, but if I had cut out the word solo the letters would have been darker.

Maybe you can find a little more info here too. Cannadon be my brother lol. We are both pretty new as well. Both to growing and afn. About 7 months in. 3 harvests between the 2 of us so far. We have been trying a ton of stuff. From soil to hempy bucket variations

Currently I have soil the Stilton special. Grown in fox farms co co loco with some ocean Forest at the bottom. 5 gal diy air pot.
2 hybrid Dwc set ups
2 five gal dwc set ups.
The hybrids have only co co loco for top soil. Seedlings love it.
If you have any questions feel free to ask my man. And tag me in your grow log if/when you have one up and running!
And since I'm here
A quick little update.
Dwc girls are really taking off. Roots have exploded and the plant is following suit. Both tied down more today
And giving size shape and color. I have determined. Smaller one is mephisto northern cheese Haze.
Bigger one is super skunk BLK seeds
The leafs are the same as it's giant sisters.
And since I'm here
A quick little update.
Dwc girls are really taking off. Roots have exploded and the plant is following suit. Both tied down more today
And giving size shape and color. I have determined. Smaller one is mephisto northern cheese Haze.
Bigger one is super skunk BLK seeds
The leafs are the same as it's giant sisters.
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