Indoor Ash-A-Ton and the hybrid Hempy bucket

Bro I love your bondage sessions, giving me tons of inspiration. I'm about to post an update in my thread you think you could stop by and tell me when I would be able to start similar? I'm getting almost up to 3rd set of leaves on some of my girls only 9 days in, is that too early?

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If this says any thing.
Just tied my baby down. She was a tad stretchy any way. But she is about 11 days I think. Less than 2 weeks for sure.

Tag me in your thread grobro. I'll watch a bondage session lol


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loving this mate, your journal is gonna basically be my LST guide to follow at the moment, i dont have those straps like that but have the soft wire ties. great idea with the pins! i might do some tomorrow or Sunday on my girls they are almost ready i feel. mind if i shoot you a pm if i have any questions?
loving this mate, your journal is gonna basically be my LST guide to follow at the moment, i dont have those straps like that but have the soft wire ties. great idea with the pins! i might do some tomorrow or Sunday on my girls they are almost ready i feel. mind if i shoot you a pm if i have any questions?
Absolutely fine my man. Or even ask here. Might be a question someone else may have too. Came to afn with little to no knowledge not too long ago. So if I can give even a little of that back to this community I'm tickled!

I like the soft wire ties. Expensive for me though. The green garden tape is cheap. Not as easy to handle. But very cost effective.
Took yesterday off. Sorry lol.

Here is Stilton
Before and after