Indoor Ash-A-Ton and the hybrid Hempy bucket

just realized who this was...
"the DR." spittin' that Latin game huh.. how's things in lab? was it you who was writing the book?
necrotic meaning it'll kills ya.. sooooo
do you grow fruits and stuff too? could be patient zero right there
Necrotic means it eats dead plant kills, then eats.

No...not writing book.
It's the necrotic fungus Botrytis cinera - it kills the flower from the center and eats the dead flower. If you have no suspicions, you won't see it before it's way too late.
Last year all my White Widow trees were eaten.

I use hardcore pesticides for agriculture.
im with you mate. pesticedes whenever possible. the general use stuff is mostly non systemic in soil (always check first) but not adviseable for hydro as plants can absorb up to 20% of most synthetic pesticides that get into the resevoir so possibly not a great idea for the hybrid. i dont know what the result could be but almost definate the plant will absorb a dose. im not the best with plants but pretty good with poisons and pesticides : )
Necrotic means it eats dead plant kills, then eats.

No...not writing book.
gotcha.. was what I was getting at.. should have used the word plant... usually see it on strawberry or my old Italian neighbor and his wine grapes..
who is writing that book then? such an interesting place this afn.
best way to get rid of any bugs... walk up wind... light nice smokey fire.. smoke em out ohhhh yeahhhh
Since we are getting all lab tech talk n such.
Mold on top soil. Good bad or ugly?

Letting it ride. Since plant is fine. And the mold is established. So it's been there long enough
Since we are getting all lab tech talk n such.
Mold on top soil. Good bad or ugly?

Letting it ride. Since plant is fine. And the mold is established. So it's been there long enough
View attachment 776206
what kinda soil?? is it mold or that fuzzy stuff @FullDuplex breeds in a tote, in the basement.. or spawns... what is the correct term for mycos-ing
what kinda soil?? is it mold or that fuzzy stuff @FullDuplex breeds in a tote, in the basement.. or spawns... what is the correct term for mycos-ing
Fox farms. But put a ton of great white and other shit in soil early on. And it stays moist from the hybrid set up.
Plant is happy though
gotcha.. was what I was getting at.. should have used the word plant... usually see it on strawberry or my old Italian neighbor and his wine grapes..
who is writing that book then? such an interesting place this afn.
best way to get rid of any bugs... walk up wind... light nice smokey fire.. smoke em out ohhhh yeahhhh
definately mate. worst case scenario, everyone has a sing song and some sausages on a stick. cant go wrong man : )
definately mate. worst case scenario, everyone has a sing song and some sausages on a stick. cant go wrong man : )
get the drum circle goin..
don't get me wrong.. chemicals will knock shit out.. but I'm not trying to give my grandchildren cancers and such...
like that "round-up" stuff.. unreal that.. they denied for soooooo long..

@Ash-a-Ton from personal experience.. watch the resellers on that stuff..
real bad experience.. your soil may be bad from the get go ... gnats and shit
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get the drum circle goin..
don't get me wrong.. chemicals will knock shit out.. but I'm not trying to give my grandchildren cancers and such...
like that "round-up" stuff.. unreal that.. they denied for soooooo long..

@Ash-a-Ton from personal experience.. watch the resellers on that stuff..
real bad experience.. you soil may be bad from the get go ... gnats and shit
Bout the best thing local. Shipping sucks on good soil.
Bout the best thing local. Shipping sucks on good soil.
yessir.. even in shops... if you see flies and stuff.. bad sign.. one time went with buddy to buy something.. he ended up bringing mites home with him.. the spider ones
they know its fucked too just they got stacks of the shit and they want u to come by stuff to fix it... feckin used car salesman stuff