Indoor Ash-A-Ton and the hybrid Hempy bucket

Super blueberry.
Roots have finally made it into dwc.
She is shooting pistils on her top real heavy sides not so much. Hope she grows more before flowering.
Now I have the extra room. Seriously considering some good cobs. Sposed to have a prize light coming. Idk when lol. But with that being unknown.
Maybe @BigSm0 could hook me up on 2 or 3 since I am too busy to build my own. And have seen nothing but great words of his lights.
Thinking 2 or 3 of those with the panel and cheap crapazon cobs I have. I could produce some serious stuff In my room. I'm restricted to a 5 count on plants. But have ample space to get them big now.
If I can't grow 20. Then I shall get good at growing trees.

Update on the northern cheese Haze seeds. Still nothing. Not sure what's the deal there. First time using the rockwool cubes. Maybe not deep enough or wet enough. Idk. Give them another day. Then try again
Looks like your doing well with the cheaper cobs. You would probably kill it with good ones. Current sale is 10% off and free reflectors. Not sure if or when I'll have another sale. Light building marathons are tiring.
Was looking at those. I really like the size and mobility of them as well. Can set them to make a nice foot print or just give one big girl all the light she wants.
How long do I have on the sale my brotha?
Was looking at those. I really like the size and mobility of them as well. Can set them to make a nice foot print or just give one big girl all the light she wants.
How long do I have on the sale my brotha?
Little over a week but I'll keep it going for as long as I have a pm to refer back to. It's easier to track and keep up with this way too. As for the cobs themselves I have to say they still impress me each day I look at them and the growth under them. Cob power is untouched.
Update on the northern cheese Haze seeds. Still nothing. Not sure what's the deal there. First time using the rockwool cubes. Maybe not deep enough or wet enough. Idk. Give them another day. Then try again[/QUOTE]

did you clean them before the nutrient soak? you gotta rinse the shit outa those things mate. theyre reeeaaallllyyy alkaline. is use 4" rockwools and they took me 5 days soaking to get it all out before i put nutes in. its generally accepted that 24-48hrs will do it but
i was checking the ph of the run off water and took 5 days before it kept perfectly steady.