Grow Mediums 2nd grow auto blueberry

Was able to get some natural light pics.
Also have a question of if any knows if she is starting to foxtail. Thanks
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yeah buddy, she's def foxtailing, especially last pic (looks like a 3-headed monster). It's not a bad thing. Some don't like it, for aesthetic reasons. I have not noticed, nor heard any degration in potency. Just more weight. :thumbsup:
Lol yea she starts to look crazier each day. I took the other top which had a lot more cloudy got 37 gram wet so hopefully will come out pretty decent, so I am really looking forward to next week.

Fine looking bud there @Noob420 did you get a chance to cure much?
How was the some? mine was a bit harsh, even after couple week cure.
I think I finished the last bit earlier this week. It did mellow some but was still kinda harsh. I know the first few buds my throats was on fire it seemed like, but did mellow out some.
I really can't wait for laws to change to where I can keep different strains around long enough to get a really good cure.
Maybe I will try to save a nug or to from each plant to cure for the long haul.
Sitting back toking thinking how can I make this next grow better. I'm possibly going to move everything into the attic. Now that winter is upon us it stays nice and cool up there and should be perfect with the mh/hps running 24/0. The only difficult part is to haul everything up there. I will try to set up a pulley system to help out.
Also I will be modifying my carbon scrubber, and an actual clip fan with oscillation. I'm ready for beans to get here and holidays over.
So I was re reading through my journals on here and apparently at some point in time have mixed days up.
So the NL is actually at day 82 today instead of 78. I'm getting plenty more cloudy, so maybe here soon she will come down soon so I can give here enough time to dry nice and slow.
That makes sense... i remember you saying i jumped ahead of you a few days!! guess that bb hits harder than ya thought haha. nice plant m8
That makes sense... i remember you saying i jumped ahead of you a few days!! guess that bb hits harder than ya thought haha. nice plant m8
Thanks man, yea I guess she did lol.

With her being mostly cloudy with a few amber, she is going to get a nice trim today and probably get cut tomorrow.