Grow Mediums 2nd grow auto blueberry

Today is harvest day.
Day 84

Final hair cut

Cleaned up all of the lowers, she had some long legs lol.


Roots filled 1gal bucket

After a bud wash will let them dry for a little while and get the trimming
Nice Harvest! I wonder how you'd do if you upgraded your pot a little bit?
Nice Harvest! I wonder how you'd do if you upgraded your pot a little bit?
Well last grow I had her in a 2 gal bucket, and topped her, watered like she was in soil. She was still a big girl, but I didn't do any training. If I remember correctly I got between 3-4 zips, and they weren't the firmest. Next time I get more of these I will hopefully have a larger space to grow maybe 3 each in different size containers.
Nice Harvest! I wonder how you'd do if you upgraded your pot a little bit?
Thanks Jingo, I really do think if I put her in the 2 gal I may have been in a lot more trouble with space lol.
She did get a few inches taller than the last.
Afraid to ask you.... howd ya fair out wet did u weigh it? I ended up with 117g wet so id imagine its an oz i got. Not bad with a cheap ass set up haha. I got the feeling with ur pics uve done a lot better. congrats.....
Afraid to ask you.... howd ya fair out wet did u weigh it? I ended up with 117g wet so id imagine its an oz i got. Not bad with a cheap ass set up haha. I got the feeling with ur pics uve done a lot better. congrats.....
I weighed them last light and it came out to roughly 500 sum grams wet, I know I could have done better if I was able to get her spread out more for more light. I probably have maybe 2 oz of good dense nugs and the rest are fairly fluffy. hopefully I can fill up a couple jars of nice buds, and make some nice tinctures with the rest.
You haul still wasn't bad at all.
Do you have another strain your going to grow next?
I really can't wait for this this state to get the official green light then I can get me a nice setup.
3x 55w cfl in 4 litre soil no ph reading no fans haha... i was lucky to get a harvest. but yeah im happy and i know 2ozs wouldnt be hard to do. Itll be two months probably before i grow a different strain still have four outta my five seeds left hahha:woohoo1:
Haha , you will have your set up pretty dialed in with that strain. Have you started another seed yet, any training ?
So after 4 days of drying, pulled the buds out of the bags to give them some rearranging and to just see and make sure they were drying ok. I decided to weigh them again and so far have 235 grams. They still have some drying to do, probably another couple days.
Today is harvest day.
Day 84

Final hair cut
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Cleaned up all of the lowers, she had some long legs lol.
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Roots filled 1gal bucket
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After a bud wash will let them dry for a little while and get the trimming
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Is that a one gallon bucket? It looks like a 2 gallon. Just asking because I am debating on one or 2 gallon myself.

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