Grow Mediums 2nd grow auto blueberry

I have seen it pay off taking the tops and letting the lower buds mature longer. Staggered harvest :d5:
Nice grow. I was getting bored last night and ordered blueberry seeds from ilgm.

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I don't think that you will be disappointed, I think my hot temps altered the bud structure so just be weary of that and she does not drink much at all.
I have seen it pay off taking the tops and letting the lower buds mature longer. Staggered harvest :d5:
I might just take these tops this week, and leave the lowers to finish as long as possible.
Day 75 still chugging along. I broke a side brand off today when I was pulling her out for some pics.
I trimmed that branch and it's drying. I'm really hoping that she might be good by next week, but if not oh well I'm sure she will still serve her purpose.
Getting a little antsy waiting on the new beans to get here. Other than that been fairly quiet, and preparing myself mentally to get through the next few weeks of craziness, they call the holidays.
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Looks great dude. How's the smell? Do you think if I grow one solo in a small cabinet with a carbon filter it will take out the smell?

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Im waiting on beans still myself.. ordered 20 of them 3 weeks ago. Then more from a different company 5 days ago as a backup if the first 20 get seized.

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Looks great dude. How's the smell? Do you think if I grow one solo in a small cabinet with a carbon filter it will take out the smell?

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The smell was there my carbon scrubber started to struggle at the end with the smell. I just have a very simple carbon scrubber that I'm going to be def upgrading this grow. You should be fine as long as you you a half decent scrubber. My scrubber is just some filter sheets lol.
Thanks @Yeatster,
I couldn't do this without the support from you guys. The confidence boost is just unreal.
Did you see the pics of the BB buds? Not the greatest but she def did the job.
Can't wait to try different BB strains to hopefully fit the build better.
I may have missed it, is it too much trouble throwing up again? Sorry, been on and off here lately. When I come back, I can't catch up.