Grow Mediums 2nd grow auto blueberry

So I went ahead and ordered 3 fem fairy frost, and should be receiving 3 fem ambers as freebies. Since I will be doing a single plant run these seeds should last me awhile. Can't wait to get a fairy frost started.
Like the sound of fairy frost.. gonna grab a nosey
It's suppose to be really good medium size plant.
Autoflower portal have some strains that seem very good medicinal quality.
It's always so hard to pick because there so many.
Day 69 she is starting to get some ambers here and there. She is definitely drinking slower, and has calmed down greatly on throwing white pistils out.I am thinking about diluting her feed a little more to finish her out. Her feed is at 360 ppm which 150 comes from the tap. I took a taster nug off today, so we shall see how that turns out in a few days.
The NL is starting to drink really slowly now. I fed roughly a litre this morning at 7 am like normal, and normally by noon she is good for another litre, and so on throughout the day.
Watered this morning to run off with a litre and the pot still seems fairly heavy. I guess I will see how long it takes her to dry up and gauge my watering off of that and the trichomes.
Tops are still throwing pistils here and there, I think she has received maybe 2 liters today and she is not needing it with pot still feeling fairly heavy. The top main colas all seem to be increasing with more cloudy, and amber here and there. She still seems fairly green so I'm not sure if I should take the main colas so the lowers can finish up by the 15th. I will update pictures tonight.
I took a sample the other day, wanted to try it when I wake up in the morning to get a more accurate gauge on effects.
With the weather changing my sleeping habits are not the best, and with kids in school Im pretty set on waking up about 6 am. So this morning was no different besides the fact that I added some of the NL to some BB. I was able to knock out my Sunday task before noon lol.
I don't find it a problem but I need it to be a little more calming. Hell I even got on my elliptical this morning which I haven't used since I had it. One great thing is that my mind was so focused and clear on accomplishing task. I really didn't even notice my back pain until about a hour or so later
Tops are still throwing pistils here and there, I think she has received maybe 2 liters today and she is not needing it with pot still feeling fairly heavy. The top main colas all seem to be increasing with more cloudy, and amber here and there. She still seems fairly green so I'm not sure if I should take the main colas so the lowers can finish up by the 15th. I will update pictures tonight.
I took a sample the other day, wanted to try it when I wake up in the morning to get a more accurate gauge on effects.
With the weather changing my sleeping habits are not the best, and with kids in school Im pretty set on waking up about 6 am. So this morning was no different besides the fact that I added some of the NL to some BB. I was able to knock out my Sunday task before noon lol.
I don't find it a problem but I need it to be a little more calming. Hell I even got on my elliptical this morning which I haven't used since I had it. One great thing is that my mind was so focused and clear on accomplishing task. I really didn't even notice my back pain until about a hour or so later
Sounds like something might work for my narcolepsy. Hey did you see the potm/botm has changed? Self nomination allowed, you should get a plant in.

I can't enter again until feb.
Sounds like something might work for my narcolepsy. Hey did you see the potm/botm has changed? Self nomination allowed, you should get a plant in.

I can't enter again until feb.
I just might work for ya, Jingo.
Yea I was thinking about putting in the NL, not sure if it would be worth letting the few smaller stuff finish up or just harvest the whole plant this week.
What do you think ? I also might harvest earlier is to get the grow stuff broken down and get her dried and into jars before we for the holidays.
I just might work for ya, Jingo.
Yea I was thinking about putting in the NL, not sure if it would be worth letting the few smaller stuff finish up or just harvest the whole plant this week.
What do you think ? I also might harvest earlier is to get the grow stuff broken down and get her dried and into jars before we for the holidays.
Me, I'm totally into keeping a schedule and not getting to much going in the groom during the holidays.

I've got enough backstock these days, I harvest all at once and keep only three tops. The test goes into etoh infusions to make other stuff.
My wife brought to my attention, And to be fair when I say I got on the elliptical it was only for a few minutes lol, but I did get on it.
@jingo do you know of any good tincture recipes, last round made butter but feel a tincture might be a little more easy to use.