Grow Mediums 2nd grow auto blueberry

mine says 70-77 days seed to harvest and its soil with 3x 55w cfl. coulda grown a monster but its frowned upon here:nono:
Yea it's still frowned upon here too. One day we will all be able to grow monsters. I normally go through roughly 1-2 grams a day, so I figured if a plant takes 2-3 months to harvest I would need to get enough to take me thru till the next grow. Hopefully this NL will put me ahead.
Have a great weekend
One r two grams ya horse haha. Bout the same and euros dont go as far as they used to$$
One r two grams ya horse haha. Bout the same and euros dont go as far as they used to$$
Lol, no money definitely does not go as far. I will be making tictures once tho NL finishes up so hopefully that will work out and I can smoke a little less.
A few pics of the NL yesterday and today on day 65.
Running one plant has been going really well. I have been further tinkering with nutrient strengths and mixtures.
For the last 10 gals or so of feed I have been adding bloom in with the ripe to give her a tad more nitrogen. I started to notice that the lower half that doesn't receive much light were yellowing really bad. Since increasing the ppm's the bottom has greened up and started producing more of the smaller buds.
With having results and steady levels my confidence has grown greatly. The next nutrient mix will only have a small amount of ripe to finish out.
One of the main reasons I went with coco is because I was never able to keep my water levels stable in Dwc, so with being able to finish up with grow with the stability that I have. I feel confident to par take into the full hydro experience that I originally wanted to do.
Sorry for rambling and onto the pics.
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Hydro to coco is the way to go, then you appreciate it more than if you go soil to coco. You've done real well and the rambling, I think helps other grower learn the process.

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Thanks Jingo,
I do really enjoy growing in coco. I figure because I was wanting to do a water system for the coco the money that I would save can be put to something else, since I already have everything for dwc. I can't wait for the day for me to have an actual tent, but in the mean time I will keep chugging along and work on my camera skills lol.
What breeder is your blueberry?
I just dropped my 2nd Dutch passion BB. My first one didn't look nearly as nice as yours. I did get the cool purp though
What breeder is your blueberry?
I just dropped my 2nd Dutch passion BB. My first one didn't look nearly as nice as yours. I did get the cool purp though
I got them through ilgm. Yea I didn't get any purple this round, but I did get a lot nicer plant this go. I will take a pic of some of the buds when I do my smoke report this week.
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