@Waira ! Another incredible read, thank you. Can you elaborate a little on something you said up top?
The foliar fulvic+kelp+Si
What are you mixing up? If you don't mind sharing.
Thanks mate, just trying to flatten the learning curve on this sort of gig for JP and others
So, the foliar love spray is treat for the plants mainly, a little healthy booster....
...kelp brings micronutes and some hormones; fulvic is the smaller molecule type of the humic acid family, it can get taken directly into the plant because of this. It's a C source and a great chelater... Si is like a mortar enhancer for cell walls..
Foliars bring it all in a full coverage "direct injection" way... it can be both preventative and curative!
Dosages/amounts are as per label recommendations generally, oh and the wetting agent is key to this BTW; it makes the solution "loose", it coats and covers far better than without it, which results in it being mostly beaded up/uneven/drips off... More surface area covered = more taken in!
Tops and bottoms of leaves too, the bottoms in fact have more stomata that upper surfaces do...
So, I contacted promix for ratios… under measurable amounts. So I think waira is spot on that I’ll have to build my soil and amend as I go.
I was afraid of that! I love Walmart's smaller bail size of Promix and pricing, but I actually don't use it for the girls, I use a regular premium type bag soil + KIS amendment...
Promix is nearly devoid of nutrients, by design, it technically is a "soilless" product, meaning it lacks many of the other components that are in true soils.
So, you'll need to start amending soon Jp, light feeds watered in...