Indoor Vapo Grows......Strawberry Nuggets

Thanks bro...she is looking good lol:drool:

You can tell by the frost on her, the flavor is going to be phenomenal. Definitely need to hear how she tastes. For me, taste is nearly everything these days. Different flavors bro! Strawberry, mango, diesel, stinky ass cheese,...they all have a place in my med cabinet.
Still looking for just the right strawberry flavored dope, like the strawberry cough from back in the day, and I haven't quite found it.
The strawberry milkshake pheno from DP Auto Night queen is really nice, but it's strawberry cream, not strawberry cough syrup! There have been other good strains as well, but nothing with the strong enough strawberry flavor.
Bit by the grow bug too. I keep telling my family I’m going to take a break soon. Not too soon though. Never grown Tyrone Special but heard great reviews. I can think of worse hobbies to have.
I grew only one of these out so far but she was awesome.....I think she is an Extinct by Mephisto strain now:bow:
You can tell by the frost on her, the flavor is going to be phenomenal. Definitely need to hear how she tastes. For me, taste is nearly everything these days. Different flavors bro! Strawberry, mango, diesel, stinky ass cheese,...they all have a place in my med cabinet.
Still looking for just the right strawberry flavored dope, like the strawberry cough from back in the day, and I haven't quite found it.
The strawberry milkshake pheno from DP Auto Night queen is really nice, but it's strawberry cream, not strawberry cough syrup! There have been other good strains as well, but nothing with the strong enough strawberry flavor.
Is the strawberry cough not any good these days?.....Damn!!!.....that was one I was gonna try!!
Is the strawberry cough not any good these days?.....Damn!!!.....that was one I was gonna try!!

The Strawberry cough is not dead, but the genetics have been diluted so many times that the phenotype that everyone wants only shows up sometimes and not with the intensity it used to have. There are other great berry strains, but Strawbery Cough was one of the best ever for that flavor profile.
I got it one time by accident growing another strain that had been crossed with this strain. I still have some, and that is great and all, but it was an accident. I want more, it's that good!:drool:
At what week (roughly) did/does the strawberry smell begin to stand out on the strawberry nuggets? It is something I have looked forward to since first hearing of the strain.
Dude, to be totally honest....I don't know lol...I have multiple diff flowering plants at any time...sorry:bow:
@Tiny Bubbles , I have a Strawberry Nuggets going right now, she is a purple pheno at day 60 today. This morning was the first day I could honestly say it was pure strawberry goodness, sour strawberry goodness. Up until this weekend, most of the smells coming off her were "fruity" and if I cosed my eyes I could convince myself that I smelled strawberry. As of this morning, she is really putting off the sour strawberry odor. And I got to tell you, it is intoxicating. BTW, she started flowering at day 29 so that is the 5th week of flower for her to start stinking (in a good way...:biggrin:).
my friends.......strawb is still going at day 69......a little yellowing around some leaf edges is all that can be seen, my apologies for being somewhat lax on my journals....I seem to have hit a bad patch of depression and I don't feel too good at the moment...hopefully it will go soon....again my apologies, thank you.