I sorted the garden out today, all my kit worked , it's the first time I've tried since November. I sanatised every cable and surface with a neat 30% Hydrogen Peroxide mix and left everything running.
I'm going to get the heat matt out later and see what I have seed wise to pop.
Skoosh onto a Predator graft worked.
I cut the main off the skoosh and grated to the Predator If done in early veg then it might of grew longer.
But happy for my first try
Heres the skoosh donor plant that got topped and the cutting from skoosh got grafted to the Predator
All's well in the tent. Setup the WiFi plugs so we now have lights off 12pm - 4pm and a schedule of 20/4.
Keeping an eye on humidity when lights are out and may reduce to 18/6. It's sitting around 71%.
A wee lights out selection for your perusal.
@Sawney_bean have you ever noticed little white lines on the veins of leaves? Wondering if it's just genetics or the beginnings of a deficiency? Haven't noticed any problems though.
I'm back! A Strawberry Nugget and a Forum Stomper popped yesterday and went into my 10-gallon fabric pots. My tent is sitting pretty. Hoping for a hassle-free 2nd run in my no till!
My mrs has only gone and hired a gardener, I'm like WTAF babe. How to make my life difficult, now I'm going to have to get him a tool store, S more money.
Let top soil dry out and bottom feed lots of fly paper and maybe a layer of sand or make something to block access to the top of pots. Little flying fuckers
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