Transitioning to Organic

yes'sir, the shape,nugget formations,the exgtra terps and essentially essential oils.just exactly that broseph. just pure yummy and joyous nostril overload :D take a look at seedling teas and enzyme brews. I got some E powder and will do a small sprinkle with some # 1 life Inoculate,and maybe fresh EWC from the bin. killer brew for start up.then your soil will puch it the rest of the way with your teas. mmmmm stupid easy and the wuality WOW!! heres to a slamming harvest my man :)
yes'sir, the shape,nugget formations,the exgtra terps and essentially essential oils.just exactly that broseph. just pure yummy and joyous nostril overload :D take a look at seedling teas and enzyme brews. I got some E powder and will do a small sprinkle with some # 1 life Inoculate,and maybe fresh EWC from the bin. killer brew for start up.then your soil will puch it the rest of the way with your teas. mmmmm stupid easy and the wuality WOW!! heres to a slamming harvest my man :)
Thanks Eyes. It was your sensitivity to Synths that got me thinking about going this direction. If anyone would know what gets it done someone that has a good palate would be able to tell the difference.

I still have a good deal of reading to do and I am in the middle. But the girls are looking fairly good so far. Don't want to count it in the bag until...well.. its in the bag.
bag jar,bowl lungs lmfao its all the same almost eh?!LOL yeah its a little annoying to be truthful with you to be sooo Got damned sensitive all the time. when its really pinging it effects everything I eat too. ewwwww,try drinking Milk ,and other things like that ,that have been worked and added too. Fugging nuts man. the way I did this sour lemon?! hoooly shit broseph. its stupid clean and yummy as sin. silky smooth and not even been in the jar long enough to truly start the curing process generally speaking. stupid higher end cannabis.
bag jar,bowl lungs lmfao its all the same almost eh?!LOL yeah its a little annoying to be truthful with you to be sooo Got damned sensitive all the time. when its really pinging it effects everything I eat too. ewwwww,try drinking Milk ,and other things like that ,that have been worked and added too. Fugging nuts man. the way I did this sour lemon?! hoooly shit broseph. its stupid clean and yummy as sin. silky smooth and not even been in the jar long enough to truly start the curing process generally speaking. stupid higher end cannabis.
I look forward to trying this when it is done. If the Breeders are accurate it has an 8 week window of flowering. I am going into week 5. I hope that is right as it will mean a very nice haul. And I am hopeful that the flavor will be well beyond anything I could have access to. Sour Lemon. That has my taste buds running just thinking about it!
ohhh its good man. thats the thing I love about organics too bro. when its chem grown ,flushed,rinsed whatever clip it right from the vine and into a bowl. kinda sux eh?! i think so. lil harsh, taste is greener and chemmy as it were for a week or five,depending. well organics the way I do it at any rate I clip them right from the vine,break it up a stuff ye ole bowl and short of the dry buring hot itchyness on the throat its clean,smooth and good. it still amzes me when I achive that. not every time but maybe 65-70% of the time I get that. sometimes it'll sit a few days to a week then it'll smooth itself out right nicely. here to a kick ass harvest bro! :D
ohhh its good man. thats the thing I love about organics too bro. when its chem grown ,flushed,rinsed whatever clip it right from the vine and into a bowl. kinda sux eh?! i think so. lil harsh, taste is greener and chemmy as it were for a week or five,depending. well organics the way I do it at any rate I clip them right from the vine,break it up a stuff ye ole bowl and short of the dry buring hot itchyness on the throat its clean,smooth and good. it still amzes me when I achive that. not every time but maybe 65-70% of the time I get that. sometimes it'll sit a few days to a week then it'll smooth itself out right nicely. here to a kick ass harvest bro! :D
I have an E-Nano and you can bet I am going to be trying some from day one. I like that little log vape. It is smooth and clean. So I only have a month or so give or take but I can wait lol.
sweet bro. ya man,I bought this DaVinci Ascent from Pop22's recommendation and WHOOOO does it work. super clean. Amazing actually imho. got a 20 % coupon too. less than 160 USD to my door with free bag n stuff. id like to try a cpl of those other pencil style pen vales too.
i used to hgave one of these until the super ,extra special nicey nice quality decided to implode or something on me. LOL battery just leaked and the whole thing was a wreck after 2 years with using it a dozen times maybe. LOL first of its kind many moons ago now. real piece a crap man LOL!

Indoor garden pics 033.jpg
Yeah I started out with a Snoop Dog chinese combustion 'vaporizer". The Log is a far way. I have a knock off Crafty that is pretty good but needs a new batter and has been parked. I would love to have a good portable one and pop has spoken of a couple of them that really caught my attention.

I am out here at day what ever. Something just over 60 but since I am running 24/0 I think that days are somewhat irrelevant. They dont give a tinkers damn. I am hopeful that I have most all of April to finish the bloom cycle but ask me after April and I think I can be a little more precise on that.

nuff said. Girls are just marching on. Got one problem child just like my mother had.

Yeah I started out with a Snoop Dog chinese combustion 'vaporizer". The Log is a far way. I have a knock off Crafty that is pretty good but needs a new batter and has been parked. I would love to have a good portable one and pop has spoken of a couple of them that really caught my attention.

I am out here at day what ever. Something just over 60 but since I am running 24/0 I think that days are somewhat irrelevant. They dont give a tinkers damn. I am hopeful that I have most all of April to finish the bloom cycle but ask me after April and I think I can be a little more precise on that.

nuff said. Girls are just marching on. Got one problem child just like my mother had.

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Puddy are those mylar blankets on the walls?