Transitioning to Organic

Niiiice!! really nice bro!! hope you like it. I betting the quality will be quicker to fasll on point right from the vine with litte to almost zero gassing off. the flavor will be sooo yummy. it is mine. man Im suuuper stoked for yiu.

DUDE,I paid like 2 bills for that vape back when these were mostly newer. real piece of crap.atleasy now we moslt yknow what we're looking for within a quality vape pen or portable deal.LOL i got a DaVinci Ascent now and maaaan its good :)
Niiiice!! really nice bro!! hope you like it. I betting the quality will be quicker to fasll on point right from the vine with litte to almost zero gassing off. the flavor will be sooo yummy. it is mine. man Im suuuper stoked for yiu.

DUDE,I paid like 2 bills for that vape back when these were mostly newer. real piece of crap.atleasy now we moslt yknow what we're looking for within a quality vape pen or portable deal.LOL i got a DaVinci Ascent now and maaaan its good :)
Yeah we use the tools available at the time. I wonder where Vapes will be in 10 years.

They are stacking on bud nicely now. I got 2 virgins and a third that has had a total of 6 grams P2O5 to stave off a backslide of my own making. I will get in later this week and try to get a few pics. I am so looking forward to tasting this and you can bet that I will try to vape it from day one.
they'll be shooting laser outta their foreheads LMFAO!! instead of a laser pointer they'll have optional laser beams LOL! and instead of dropping the 1,000 USD unit,it'll jusr hover a foot off the ground :D
Just a little photo shoot on a messy day. Girls are just chugging along. I think I am 65 days out but not really focused on that. It would be nice if it lives up to it's 8+ week flower cycle. I touched one of the buds of the plant in the back right and it is gooey like something your two year old handled after a PBJ lunch. Now my fingers still smell of funk after washing.

The girl in the foreground has been my problem child. I ended up giving her a total of 6 grams of Hula Bloom over a period of about 3 weeks. She has been sliding backwards since she started to set flower. I Have also innoculated all 3 with Mammoth P in two separate Applications. I really seems to have helped across the board and I will be getting myself a bottle of this for my shelf.

Vision Seeds Northern Lights


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Great read! I should've figured to look in organics!! Duhhhh!:crying::face:

Looking fantastic! Are you using the suggested Regimen or a hybrid of your own design? Props!
Hi Benjamin.

I am using a hybrid system but I am happy to help you if you are using it. One of the things I have found is that most of the base ingredients are used at the rate and timing suggested but many of the additives are used on differing schedules and rates than what they recommend. I am going to try to lean out the etras as much as I can and observe the result. I am betting that there is a window of application and rate which will give results without consuming endless volumes.

I am working on building out a soil program that will use NFTG as an additive system rather than providing the core nutrition needs. That should cut down consumption as well.

There are 5 or 6 items in their line-up that I think are really well done. I don't mind paying for good stuff. But I like to get my money's worth.
Well its here at day 71 and I have some good and bad things going on.

I mistakenly poured a small volume of blended synthetic fertilizer into one of my org containers. This would not be a problem for the plant but the NFTG booster Bloom Khaos does not play well with nitrate fertilizer sources. The result. I just plain hurt her bad. She will pass through but it really couldn't have happened at a more critical phase. Plain old stupidity on my part. Must have been stoned...

She is standing in the foreground Notice the discoloration.

I have also had to bring a couple of new girls into the light which has stretched my space to the brim. I missed my timing and simply overloaded my replacements too early. Oh well. The two in the middle are around 30 days old and absolutely love the new light. They blasted of overnight and are really going to be fun to watch.

Mephisto Genetics. 3 Bears OG

Walter White

Stuck in the Middle with you.

And the two in the back. They are at day 71 and showing the first signs of flagging. That's good because I am getting tired of them. I want another girlfriend.

So get on with it.


  • _DSC2201adjweb.jpg
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I mistakenly poured a small volume of blended synthetic fertilizer into one of my org containers. This would not be a problem for the plant but the NFTG booster Bloom Khaos does not play well with nitrate fertilizer sources. The result. I just plain hurt her bad. She will pass through but it really couldn't have happened at a more critical phase. Plain old stupidity on my part. Must have been stoned...
Only an idiot would do that. I am telling your Mom.:naughtystep: