Indoor A 2x4 And Nothing More

Day 7 : MS
Day 1 : Ripley


@Cobstopper how long have you had the Hydra 3200? Really tempted to get one for my 2x4.
I’ve had it for three years and am really happy with it.
do you use it at fullpower?? have you had any issues with it eg have any diode lost brightness? the driver sounding strange etc?
I don’t go much over 30 DLI during flower so in the pic above it is at 80%.
No issues at all and super quiet. The driver is located on top of tent.
Day 14: MS
Day 7: Ripley
Removed first set of branches on MS and placed 4’ stakes. Now adding silica and yucca combined with recharge with every watering at a low rate.
A day later and at this stage I start pulling the leaves to the side to allow direct lite to the branches.
Within a day or two the meristem is past the leaves and I remove the wires.
As the plant continues to grow I do this with branches above for a week or so.
Day 21: MS
Day 14: Ripley
MS first and final top dressing with amendments lightly incorporated in soil.
Placed BAS straw and poured 5 pints of water that had mosquito bits soaking in it. This watering and all future ones I am shooting for a full saturation point with no runoff.
Training started on lower branches that have become long enough to do so.
Ripley had 4’ stakes installed.


