I water cure, learned that little trick back in the late 80s (I am old). Just started the cut off tops of my farthest along plants. Perfect timing as I am 8 days out from my supply being gone. My experience:
Dark and uncovered, fully submerged, 65-70f, 7 days. Easiest for me is a bottom drain cooler with some mesh or screen stuck on it. So simple even a crazy person can do it!
I understand why water curing isn't more widely known as most l33t growing knowledge comes out of the grow for $ community. You loose a bit of baggy appeal and the weight is a bit lower that air dry. But for medical use, especially cooking? Great way to go. Also so much simpler and faster! I live way up in the high desert mountains so the dry after the cure this time of year is an afternoon in the sun for me. 7 days in the water, 1/2 day drying, and a 1/2 day decarbing and cooking.
I have read accounts of loosely wrapping buds in foil for the water cure giving a nicer appearance. I tried it once; perhaps there is a learning curve or I used the wrong strain? Water curing strains with interesting colored hairs gives a nicer appearance than otherwise as the green fails and the color "pops"!
While I do keep some to vape >90% becomes coconut oil so the appearance isn't a big deal to me.