Old Reviews The Vapor Chamber Chat Thread.

V8 is huge compared lol, saw a review that complained of plasticy taste but never tried one myself. I do like the v5.0s though
For fucksakes Bubbles, I just got my new Hebe Titan 2 in the mail a couple of hours ago ($43 & free shipping on ebay). Watched a youtube video on how to run it while it was charging. Put in 4 tenths of a gram of some Moham Ram and I am totally blown away. I got to find me a concert to go to! WoooooHoooooo were,
"white punks on dope" yeah....................:banghead: :woohoo:

Just ordered another one for $37 on ebay.
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Just bought one of these on ebay for £46.

It is a DGK G from Grenco Science

I checked some reviews and it got positive feed back Price usually around £90 - £100 so i couldn't resist especially as you get the ammo box , the storage bag , a stainless steel dog tag grinder.

Should be here Tuesday :D still gonna get a titan II, I hadn't forgotten :P

Lol I was probably warching the same item

It was that last one of 3 being sold by this guy. So I had a quick look at some reviews and the average price it sells for and thought I had better go for it before someone else snapped it up.

Hopefully this seller will get so more to sell, maybe worth while contacting the seller and find out if they will stock this vape again.

I would also heartily recommend the Flowermate V5.0S which is selling for £65 on Ebay which is a great price , my Flowermate V5.0S would have cost me £99 from my regular Vape retailer, if it wasn't for the fact it was offered as a replacement for another of my portable vapes which was faulty. The Flowermate V5.0S is a great vape with 3 heat setting and has a huge battery charge which can last up to 2 hrs & 40 mins it also gives good plumes of vapor.
Lol I was probably warching the same item

Well a funny thing is I also found the same vape for ten pounds cheaper on Ebay, so if you still want to buy this vape go and have a look around :D

I am a little gutted as I could have save some extra dosh, but such is life and I was happy with the price when I paid for it.

The best thing is it should be here tomorrow morning as I paid for before 1PM delivery.

Can't wait to get it in my mits and give it a go.
I bought one of these last week

It arrived, I got excited, plugged it in, switched it on and the display reads: Err1. I've sent it back and waiting for a replacement... Looks like a nice bit of kit I can't wait to give it a blast!!!!

Shoot that's a pain in the ass, first time for me, to hear that happening.

The extreme Q is a boss piece of kit, once you get your replacement you won't look back.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you to get a swift re-delivery.
yeh vaping is really quite good i didnt think much of it for a while but it is really really good especially for people trying to come off ciggs cos tbh no one really likes the habbit tis ok now and then but can get carried away really easily so ive got one of these e cigs with the e liquid and has help cut down ciggs atleast half and has help me mum come off ciggs too.
now to vaping the whacky bacci, ive watched vids of guys using these stationary ones that fill up bags etc that looks the buisness but far to expensive at the mo so i found a cheap similar one of our fave site, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VP-100-HE...ural_AlternativeTherapies&hash=item3f437554ef

also theres the g pen which is really cool, but dont go for the standard g pen cos its more like a pipe cos it combusts your smoke you want the g pen pro and thats what i wanna get in the next week or so,

im yet to try any of these or even vape any ganj for that matter so if any of y'all have tried these let me know and gimme your feed back
yeh vaping is really quite good i didnt think much of it for a while but it is really really good especially for people trying to come off ciggs cos tbh no one really likes the habbit tis ok now and then but can get carried away really easily so ive got one of these e cigs with the e liquid and has help cut down ciggs atleast half and has help me mum come off ciggs too.
now to vaping the whacky bacci, ive watched vids of guys using these stationary ones that fill up bags etc that looks the buisness but far to expensive at the mo so i found a cheap similar one of our fave site, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VP-100-HE...ural_AlternativeTherapies&hash=item3f437554ef

also theres the g pen which is really cool, but dont go for the standard g pen cos its more like a pipe cos it combusts your smoke you want the g pen pro and thats what i wanna get in the next week or so,

im yet to try any of these or even vape any ganj for that matter so if any of y'all have tried these let me know and gimme your feed back

Giving up the fags is the best thing I have ever done!!! Period!!!

Vaping is just great, awesome flavor too.

Sometimes it takes a while to get the right amount in your vape and how much packing it needs, every vape is slightly different, just takes a short while to find your perfect pack.

I was only looking at that tabletop vape in your link this morning, wow what a price!! will it be any good? I would love to know, but at that price I might as well get one as it is cheap as chips.

I am now definitely starting to be a vape collector but everyone needs a hobby right !{well apart from growing weed that is XD}

It will be great to hear what you think about the table top vape if you get it,i'll have to wait until next month as I've been on a bit of a spending spree last few days lol