I start them in smaller pots first, last time they were about 3L, I've done up to 1gal... single transplant.... They go into the tent (before I had it, they were outside, screened, then into supp' lighting as needed), for the first week or so they get extra light, no more than 16-18 hours-ish if they hang with the auto's (outside at this time it's about 13),... then after that, I start to back off light hours until it's normalized,over s few days or so,.. then they go outside full time.... the key is to get them at or near the current diurnal sched' before they are too old and may get triggered into bloom by that drop in hours,.. many breeders make specific note to not run them more that 18 initially regardless because of this... Some are more easily triggered than others, and a sudden drop from 18 to say, 14-15 may be enough to trigger unwanted blooming!
got a mutie mis-fire seedling it seems,.. I've not had it happen to me, but have seen it...
watch for a 2-3 days more, and if nothing shows, toss it and chalk it up to the usual little gamble that all seeds are...