Outdoor The never ending story

Weather is terrible here for growing good cannabis at the moment :doh:.....100f+ and low humidity, I expect to see some sad looking ladies in the next couple of days :deadhorse:.....been folliar feeding with liquid kelp and a very mild dose of cal/mg dusk and dawn which seems to help reduce stress a little :shrug:....been having catterpiller issues again so also adding a bit of BT every few days :thumbsup:

Super skunk auto seems to be taking it the worst

The cookies in coco is probably handling the shitty conditions the best

I'm going to spray paint my pots a lighter color tomorrow to try and lower heat absorption and temps in the root zone....
Those are pretty challenging conditions there mate. I hope the super skunk works it out...been hearing good things about the smoke. If it can survive where you are it would be an amazingly adaptable strain :thumbsup: Light color pots a good idea.:pass:
Thanks mate, I'm digging the purple as well :thumbsup: ....be nice to have some more color in jars....I've been having catterpiller issues again but they don't seem to touch the purple punch and from memory they weren't fussed about the last purple plant I had:shrug:
:d5: Hi mate ! Sure is nice to have colour in the jars. It seems the purple might keep them at bay the caterpillars, i got gnats grrr, hope the BTi is in date :nono: and some other insects i think gnat pupa, used yates insecticadal soap soak and yellow sticky traps, got a few gnats also :haha:- their dirty little wings flapping to take off, Same here mate, girls were out in a lot of heat, no stress from what i could see but the fans did seem a fold up a bit.

Your girls are looking great though :woohoo1:
:smokeout: mates,.... :toke:

TGB you are putting the girls through their paces for tolerance testing! :hothot: ... I think much of the trouble is VPD related, with that horrid low RH%, transpiration is a challenge for them, and when that happens, the whole nutrient highway jams up! Did you get a chance to read up on VPD in the reference section? Good info, and a nice video link too.... Any chance you can rig up some light shade cloth? that would help a great deal I believe.... As you see, each strain has variable tolerances for this,.. I surprised the coco girl is doing the best? Maybe it's the strain, not the medium, though coco is superior in water holding capacity and breathing.... does it dry the fastest?
Seed stockers super skunk auto....smells like cats piss :woohoo:
ahhhh, that's awesome mate! I was told by a few peep's here that their Skunk usually carries the names' sake aroma.. it's harder to find than you think it seems! I tried the Female Skunk Special, (well you saw already), but she's not the stanky pheno alas,.. but her aroma is just fantastic anyway, as described by the Female rep' here, super sweet exotic fruity/floral/citrus.... :thumbsup: So, next time, I'll try the Super Skunk coz I still am panging for that stanky bud- :rofl:

....bloody fekkin' caterpillars! :cuss: they were total bitches this year for me too,... if i had my way mate, I'd set up a loose tent-like rig made of super fine mesh, what may be called no-see-um's netting (nasty tiny little shits that bite 5 size classes higher than their actual size)... very light permeable, super fine mesh size, would block out all the flying vermins! But I'm not sure the clients would be down with that- :rofl:
For sure, the bugs seem to have definite preferences for certain plants! Could be the specific terps/profile that repels better than others, or a certain color is more enticing...:shrug:.. sickly plants do broadcast vulnerability that attracts the bugs more.
All in all TGB, your girls are trooping through this brutal weather pretty damn well! great strain choices, the PP is one I'm watching out for... I got the auto of that recently, along with the classic NL and the fast Critical XXL :woohoo1:... NL is supposed to be very tough, a solid OD strain; fast versions you know I got a chubby for already! :woody: :haha: