Outdoor The never ending story

Thanks mate :pass:.....should be a few more different strains come through the garden in the coming months now that the weather is getting better :thumbsup:...I have some northern lights auto to start soon when some space opens up as well as some sweet seeds green poison fast version.....no doubt there will be a couple more, just not sure what yet though :shrug:
Subbed up. Great to see all the variety of strains and trialling of new things.

Doing great mate, following with interest. :nicethread:
The three yonger plants are doing pretty well so far...my coco experiment is the slowest to get going.....the 2 bigger gals are now outdoor residents as their too big to fit back into my seedling box :smoking:
Another week has slipped by and all seems to be ok in the garden :headbang:....temps are creeping up already with days around 35c....humidity has been around 10-20% the last couple of weeks but they're still growing :shrug:....no monsters but should fill some jars if we keep plodding along!

Purple punch


My coco cookies experiment showed sex a couple of days ago so she is about to go nuts(I hope). Still haven't checked any ph or any of that jazz.

Seed stockers white widdow....doesn't seem to like the sun :shrug: ....at least I think that's what it is....?...hard to see in pics but looks like light stress.

Seed stockers super skunk auto....smells like cats piss :woohoo:

And last but not least the cookies that got burned to shit when she was young.
Thanks mate, I'm digging the purple as well :thumbsup: ....be nice to have some more color in jars....I've been having catterpiller issues again but they don't seem to touch the purple punch and from memory they weren't fussed about the last purple plant I had:shrug:
hey GreenBandit mate, they are looking great, iam really loving purple punch colour