Outdoor The Jokers Skyhighatry Blog

So I've been looking at videos on youtube about LST with autos and theres a guy on there that does what he calls the Bowl method of LST during early flower. From what he shows in his vids, it looks like what I want to do to get more light into the centre of the plant.

These baby's are flying now. It looks like they've found the tomato soil now and are living it. Thank God [emoji23] [emoji23] I'll take some pics of them tomorrow for you guys to see.

I fuckin love growing weed lol
My opinion here Dave... Is... LST slows 'em down. All the tricks I've tried did that and I always ended up with roughly the same amount at the end. Gotta remember we're growing from seed here too so each plant is totally individual, so... Yeah, by all means try it but it will deffo add a couple of weeks on.

My opinion here Dave... Is... LST slows 'em down. All the tricks I've tried did that and I always ended up with roughly the same amount at the end. Gotta remember we're growing from seed here too so each plant is totally individual, so... Yeah, by all means try it but it will deffo add a couple of weeks on.

That's what I thought but this bowl method is just LSTing the lower branches to allow more light into the centre. As you do it during early flower, I don't see it adding time to the grow. Could be wrong though.

I'll find the bus I watched now. Brb