Outdoor The Jokers Skyhighatry Blog

Foookin bastard bugs! I FOOKIN HATE 'EM!

I've no idea about Spanish bugs tho Dave, so I can't help. Gawwd knows I've had my fair share of bugs over the years... Have you thought of nuking them with fly spray? [emoji38]
I would but they only seem to be eating at night while I'm dozing. I think I saw a whitefly this morning too. Getting the feeling these plants are doomed already. [emoji24]

Naaah man, outdoor growing is always a constant battle with critters, it's just a question of finding ways to stay on top of em mate. With my guerrilla grows I don't bother with bug spray, there's so much other stuff around up in the wilderness (including natural predators) it pretty much pissing in the wind.

On your roof tho, with nothing else around, your plants will be a handy snack stop for any passing leaf munchers... Ya gonna need some bug spray dood. [emoji41]

I had a load of UGORG Smelly Berry cuttings, got fungus gnats and filled the tent with aerosol bug spray.

Killed the bugs but pretty much killed the plants too.. I had the piss ripped out of me by Beef, Duke, you, Mickey 2 acres, pretty much everyone for at least a year..

Duw-duw... Fly spray innit!

(Ring any bells?)
I had a load of UGORG Smelly Berry cuttings, got fungus gnats and filled the tent with aerosol bug spray.

Killed the bugs but pretty much killed the plants too.. I had the piss ripped out of me by Beef, Duke, you, Mickey 2 acres, pretty much everyone for at least a year..

Duw-duw... Fly spray innit!

(Ring any bells?)
Oh fuck yeah hahahahahahha ahh yeah I remember that hahahahaha fookin funny that was. Maybe not for you but lmao