Outdoor The Jokers Skyhighatry Blog

Just a bit of Wednesday Weather info

Oh thats just like here (UK) its a bit toasty in the old loft [emoji9]

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Good evening good people of AFN. Time for a little update....


The weather ahead this week looks okay. That cloud on Saturday will probably be dust in the air cause I ain't seen a cloud in ages hahahaha

The plants have been on water so far and seen to be living the soil they're in. Only needed watering once, which was done today, because the pots felt quite light. Still they look sweet to me :headbang:

This one fell over a bit so has been propped up
Those specks are just water drops. Don't worry I flicked them off after taking the photo. I just realised Bonsai dog got his nose in the shot there the little shit that he is hahahaha

And last but not least is this one.

So there's the progress so far on the three amigos. I'll take the pictures side in in future cause I ain't got a clue how to spin them around for yous.

I'm using the mobile version of the site now too. Tapatalk is a load of wank lol I have to say I love it this way and can see all the smilies now too :hula:

I'm off to play GTA Online with a nice spliff of pollen.
Peace all