Outdoor The Jokers Skyhighatry Blog

So... the one that burst to life is fine, the one that was stuck in its shell is now free but the other one that half come out it's shell was still stuck today. Now normally I try to free them and fuck it up but today I did it for the first time in like 7-8 years of growing lol FINALLY [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23]

So... the one that burst to life is fine, the one that was stuck in its shell is now free but the other one that half come out it's shell was still stuck today. Now normally I try to free them and fuck it up but today I did it for the first time in like 7-8 years of growing lol FINALLY [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23]

little tip on removing the helmet head use a atomizer spray with just water after a couple of light sprays the shell lifts right off :pass:
Just a bit of Wednesday Weather info
