Outdoor The Jokers Skyhighatry Blog

Didn't realise we had a medical and veterinary section... those stitches are awful btw - I spoke to a nurse who does conflict zone volunteer work and described it - she was shocked !!! They use dissolving staples (doesn't everyone?)). http://www.ethicon.com/healthcare-professionals/products/staplers

Looking good... enjoy the grow :weed:

Oh anyone got any advice regarding FAT cats (no we've tried portion control and still have the scars) :D
btw if you have an old 'bakelite cased' meter (rather rare these days here) - you can run a fine jewellers drill thru the top right of the case and then thread a fine piece of jewellers wire (the thin springy steel stuff used for thin bead necklaces etc). And just snag the wheel to stop it turning. This poses you no risk btw as long as your careful in wiggling the wire - and even if you did somehow manage to hit live (almost impossible cause its an induction wheel and the contacts are hidden) the thin wire should act like a fuse and would burn out before you do (I haven't tested the burn bit myself btw).

Things to remember - take the wire out periodically so you are using SOME energy MOST days (assume your usage is monitored - with an old style wheel meter this is difficult from a supplier point of view, but it's good practice to 'train the brain' - assume it's monitored), and leave a long loop of wire hanging so if you get an unexpected visit you can pull the wire easily - the hole made is so small as to be almost imperceptible to the eye and if needs be can be covered with a smear of boot polish as you hand back property to a landlord. VOID if removed stickers are also good masks :D

If your meter is (and there only a few) one that can be magnet impeded then that's the way to go - if power tapping is your thing...

PS : The experiences above relate to something I saw years ago while unemployed and is not something I would condone - a product of necessity at the time. Having had two near electrocutions in my life (nothing to do with meters I will add) I have a healthy respect for electricity and approach anything suspicions with a professional voltmeter these days before trusting if something is 'live' or has indeed been wired by a moron!
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