Outdoor The Jokers Skyhighatry Blog

I wouldn't try it yourself Dave... I wouldn't try it either... The mains cable runs straight thru my cellar too...

Once it's done, there's no way of undoing it unless you dig up the road! Believe me I've thought about it!
Fuck that then. I don't fancy another trip to hospital just yet [emoji23] [emoji23]
Hope you can find a cool abode, amigo.
Working on it. I might have one up the mountain!! The views are amazing from up there plus it's closer to the sun lol Just hope they say I can take bonsai dog with me. I ain't leaving him for nobody!!
I know right. Leccy ain't cheap here so I'm gonna be getting a greenhouse. I don't know where for though as my landlord told us they're selling the house so we have to move this afternoon!!! Fuckin shit don't stop raining on me and the misses I swear!! [emoji35] [emoji35] [emoji35]

Suppose Larry and his misses know how we feel as they'll have to find new homes next month too.

Like, they have to give you at least a months notice bro.

Getting tenants out is a legal nightmare, trust me.

You could just tell them to fuck off, and play rough.

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I wouldn't try it yourself Dave... I wouldn't try it either... The mains cable runs straight thru my cellar too...

Once it's done, there's no way of undoing it unless you dig up the road! Believe me I've thought about it!
No no I know how and it doesn't evolve digging it's if you have the one with the wheel that's spins round or the key meter but I wouldn't want you to hurt ureself