Outdoor The Jokers Skyhighatry Blog

Fine mate. Must have been a furball or something. He's back to being a barrel again [emoji16]

How's yours doing?

Haha! He got balls! [emoji23][emoji23]

Yeah, Chops is doing ok for now, he puked a lot last night but he's fine today ta. [emoji6]
Sorry about the lack of activity. Been distracted by Fallout Shelter in my phone recently [emoji23] [emoji23]

Stoned gamers are the worst eh lol



The three amigos are doing great and loving the sun. There was a storm last week which they battled through no bother. They've definitely found the tomato soil now and have a couple of spots of burn in the leaves but I'm not too worried about it. The bugs seen to have pissed off too. Probably something to do with Larry the jumping spider moving in with his misses. They've munched the lot and see standing guard although I couldn't see them this morning.

Enough chat, time for some pics....


Front left - Amigo No.1 - she stinks the most but has the smaller flower heads of the three.


Front Right - Amigo No.2 - Has the biggest flower heads and smells like armpits [emoji23] [emoji23] Hope they don't taste like that!!!

And last but by no means least...

At the back - Amigo No.3 - This bitch has legs on her I tell ya!! She's about half a foot taller than the rest with a few more budsites too [emoji16]

She's hopfully gonna be a leggy blonde eh [emoji38] [emoji38]

So there they are, still not fed anything at all yet other than water. Got to love the ease and reliability of Dinafem seeds.

Peace & Stay Lifted [emoji111]
Very nice Dave... Look at the money you're saving on electricity!

Big shout to the spiders! [emoji111]️
I know right. Leccy ain't cheap here so I'm gonna be getting a greenhouse. I don't know where for though as my landlord told us they're selling the house so we have to move this afternoon!!! Fuckin shit don't stop raining on me and the misses I swear!! [emoji35] [emoji35] [emoji35]

Suppose Larry and his misses know how we feel as they'll have to find new homes next month too.
I just remembered something....

2 of the plants got stuck in their shells to start with for an extra day. It just happens to be the 2 shorter ones. Incredible how much difference a day makes at the start eh!!