Outdoor The Jokers Skyhighatry Blog

Hey Dave... What's orange and sounds like a parrot?

A carrot. [emoji2]

Well I gone a fucked up big time!!!



NEVER stick your hand in a sink full of water with a broken glass in it!!! Ouch ain't the word!! There was so much blood everywhere I had a proper panic attack. Got a week of work at least out of it though

Well I gone a fucked up big time!!!



NEVER stick your hand in a sink full of water with a broken glass in it!!! Ouch ain't the word!! There was so much blood everywhere I had a proper panic attack. Got a week of work at least out of it though
Wow now that's a cut if ever I seen one just glad ure ok Dave bro
Shit Dave! Who stitched that up? John fookin Rambo?
Dude I shit you not, the girl doing it struggled to put on her latex gloves!!! Then she kept saying my skins tough to get through with the needle. I've probably got an air bubble floating round me from where she injected the anaesthetic incorrectly just waiting to hit my heart too eh lol

I fuckin hope not though [emoji23] [emoji23]
Wow now that's a cut if ever I seen one just glad ure ok Dave bro
Thanks mate. I'm lucky it didnt sever a tendon or is still be in hospital now eh!! Fuck I do have some good luck then. Even if it's good luck involving bad luck it's still luck non the less hahaha
Dude I shit you not, the girl doing it struggled to put on her latex gloves!!! Then she kept saying my skins tough to get through with the needle. I've probably got an air bubble floating round me from where she injected the anaesthetic incorrectly just waiting to hit my heart too eh lol

I fuckin hope not though [emoji23] [emoji23]

Hehe! Looks like an American football mate, or Frankenstein's neck! It'll be a nice clean slice tho eh so should heal quick.

I did a similar thing years ago, had my hand inside a pint glass washing it and banged it on the tap as I was twisting it round.. Made a right fookin mess!

Got me out of the washing up tho!