Mephisto Genetics The CannaDrama Tabernacle: Hubbabubbasmelloscope, Autopots, Milk powder

Corgy, you are fun.
I can't get over your experiment using milk for nutes. Next time try it with fresh milk from 18 year old virgins (humans, not cows!)

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Hi Corgy
Im subbed, this experiment is very exciting to me.
I have done grows using this kind of milk before with great results except i added it to the soil as a mineral booster.
In my opinion you wont be able to keep the plant just on milk it will need some base nutrients at some stage.
But thats just my thoughts you can always prove me wrong.

All credit and honors for sending me scouring the supermarked shelfes for milk powder goes solely and squarely to Mr. Broadsword I am merely copycatting here, and he seemed to get away with pure milk powder....we'll see how it goes, she is incredibly bushy, like 3 time as wide as tall, here's a quick not so good mug shot from yesterday

Corgy, you are fun.
I can't get over your experiment using milk for nutes. Next time try it with fresh milk from 18 year old virgins (humans, not cows!)

Unfortunately that commodity is rarer than a clear intelligent signal from our Dairy neighbors in Alpha Centauri.......

milk from a virgin, wots he on about......
our Dairy neighbors in Alpha Centauri.......View attachment 489316

I couldn't parse your sentence. No previous experience. No human has ever said those 4 words in that order.
Google search shows: No results found for "Dairy neighbors in Alpha Centauri".

You sir, are an original.

Your Milky girl does look very healthy.
How long can a plant that size usually live in your potting mix with only water? It is precharged with nutes right?
It is Atami lightmix, it should be good for 2-3 weeks of nutes right out the bag......says so ON the it MUST be true :crying:

What I did was I watered them with plain water pH 6,3 first week, then they got 2 feeds with milk power at 3.5 g/L to lay a bit of a base and since then nothing else but 1 g/L. The 6 other girls on a normal diet of nutes are taller, but not as bushy, although 1 of them is closer to the Milk Lady in growth pattern.

The discoloration of some of the lower leaves, dunno, 3 of the normally fed girls also has the same with some of the bottom leaves showing the same deficiency of something. To solve the problem I simply snipped off the offending leaves in a brisk no-nonsense manner
Hrmmmmmf.gif closed..........except for the Milk Lady who has been allowed to carry on as is!!!

Top growth doesn't seem to care either

Full update later today.......I hope!
All credit and honors for sending me scouring the supermarked shelfes for milk powder goes solely and squarely to Mr. Broadsword I am merely copycatting here, and he seemed to get away with pure milk powder....we'll see how it goes, she is incredibly bushy, like 3 time as wide as tall, here's a quick not so good mug shot from yesterday

View attachment 489315
Thanks fro the compliment Gorgy, to all the other readers here, yes its so that the only thing my White Cheeses was given wa s the Baby Milk Powder. Im not saying this is the be all and end all of feeds but I am saying that it certainly does work. As a still novice grower I need to learn more so I am happy to sit back and
see how this one comes along. Afn is about learning how to grow the weed and Im happy to continue on my own learning curve for future reference. I would like to invest into LED lighting but I have time for that yet, for the time being I need to figure out how to get bigger buds than the small fist size than I got from my recent effort.
Very pleased to see that someone else is dipping their toes in too, well done Corgy
Thanks fro the compliment Gorgy, to all the other readers here, yes its so that the only thing my White Cheeses was given wa s the Baby Milk Powder.

Your grow fertilizing with Milk is a fun idea. I think it is important clairfy that the Milk was a supplement. The milk was in addition to 50% compost and a 1 cup of fish, bone, blood and Rhizotonic. Is that right?

@Corgy have you tried growing in Atami lightmix with just water for comparison?
We could try beer, mmmmm! Guinness flavored Cannabis.
It is Atami lightmix, it should be good for 2-3 weeks of nutes right out the bag......says so ON the it MUST be true :crying:

What I did was I watered them with plain water pH 6,3 first week, then they got 2 feeds with milk power at 3.5 g/L to lay a bit of a base and since then nothing else but 1 g/L. The 6 other girls on a normal diet of nutes are taller, but not as bushy, although 1 of them is closer to the Milk Lady in growth pattern.

The discoloration of some of the lower leaves, dunno, 3 of the normally fed girls also has the same with some of the bottom leaves showing the same deficiency of something. To solve the problem I simply snipped off the offending leaves in a brisk no-nonsense manner View attachment 489332 closed..........except for the Milk Lady who has been allowed to carry on as is!!!

Top growth doesn't seem to care either

Full update later today.......I hope!

Corgy was wondering if you could put a post up of your hbbs's and I'll put one up of mine to compare could be interesting to see!