Indoor The Cannadrama Tabernacle: 6 x Amnesia Haze, Aquafarm, Airpot, coco, GH nutrition and 470 W LED

Your really liking the hazeat the minute then!
What is a haze anyway? Lol
You going to give the hydrofarm a run with pebbles then when your back on your feet?
Hey @Corgy - this is an awesome looking grow here.
Those micro bud stumps are so cute!!!!!

Hope your body is quickly on the mend.
Maybe we should put you in the veg room under lights, to let you regenerate.
Take care!!
Day 36 update

The plants in the Aquafarm is filling in nicely, however 2 of them decided to develop what I think was calmag deficiency while I was away, corrective action taken and they look happier,..... Why only 2 out of 5....... There is 3 phenos in that farm..... Hmmmm!

The Airpotty one is on a mission to 99 cm today and grows 4-5 cm daily...... Supercropping continues unabated and wantonly.....

Feeding Flora Nova Bloom, Canna Boost, Cannazyme, calgel, Bio Nova micro-mix and Great white myco.... All at producers claimed full strength dosage.....

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Hey corgy.. Don't even know wat an aqua farm is.. I'll be googling madly very soon to find out tho.. But that ginormous Airpot dude.. That plants a complete monster already.. Often wondered if a pot that size would be wasted on an auto but that myths busted already lol awesome grow man
Your really liking the hazeat the minute then!
What is a haze anyway? Lol
You going to give the hydrofarm a run with pebbles then when your back on your feet?

Sorry, overlooked this one....

Yeah, wot haze..... Well, if this is haze its fine with me..... Lol

Sure, I'll try the clay pellets.... With the 4 pot waterfarm ACS system, say 2 x coco and 2 x clay pellets for starters....
Hey corgy.. Don't even know wat an aqua farm is.. I'll be googling madly very soon to find out tho.. But that ginormous Airpot dude.. That plants a complete monster already.. Often wondered if a pot that size would be wasted on an auto but that myths busted already lol awesome grow man

Thanks for the kind words..... If space, especially height, was no issue I would be going even bigger..... Lol..... Alas.....

Here's a link to the Aquafarm and related gadgetry....
Day 43 Update

Same, same, the pottyone has reached 107 cm in vertical endeavors, and as this version of Amnesia Haze has not previously shown much inclination to crave stretchy stockings for the home run, let's leave it at that for now.....

Continue feeding Flora Nova Bloom uninterrupted, with the usual auxiliary courtiers in attendance, Great White Myco, Canna Boost, Cannazyme, micro-mix and a pinch or two of Epsom salt for good measure, in technical terms that's1 tbls. per 10 liters or 15 ml per 2,19969 Imperial Gallon of water..... Aussies, don't go here, it's confounding it aint called a Macquarie like almost everything else down under..... I digress...... The obligatory eye feast coming right up....

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