Indoor The Cannadrama Tabernacle: 6 x Amnesia Haze, Aquafarm, Airpot, coco, GH nutrition and 470 W LED

Day 50 Update

Filling in nicely everywhere....

The Aquafarm will clearly finish well before the Airpotty one, perhaps another week or so to go.... Presently running with clean water and Florakleen for a couple of days.

The Airpotty is being fed like before, and consume 4-5 l/day, stretch has stopped and she'll likely take another 3 weeks I think.
Beautiful plant, and she has handled everything thrown at her with aplomb. Except for removing fan leaves, I've stopped the body shaping..... So now it's just the usual old waiting game
Yawn 3D.GIF

Day 55 update

Ho hum, same same...... Motoring along, some more swelling and plenty more retirement notices.
The Aquafarm plants have been on Florakleen the last 2 days and will get another full feed in a day or so, then back on Florakleen till the end, another 5-7 days. .
Same procedure for the Airpotty one, just 7-10 days later.

Last, but not least, the compulsory imagery....


I daresay a largish Airpot and some coco looks rather comely and quite catching on an Amnesia Haze with a hazey family tree....
Shes a big girl indeed! Ive a couple of amnesia haze on the go hopefully they fill out as nicely