Mephisto Genetics The CannaDrama Tabernacle: Hubbabubbasmelloscope, Autopots, Milk powder

Looking forward to a jungle of Hubba Bubba.
Milk Powder is surprisingly cheap compared to other feeds

So it is.....! Here is the specs of the Milk powder I use(notice it's vanilla flavored, no less!).........I gave a feed with 3,5 g/L at day 8 and another of same strength today to make sure there is a base of nutes in the Atami Lightmix. I will reduce that to 1 g/L from now on and take it from there

Day 12 update

Well, something just short of a miracle happened..........the Autopots was indeed picked up on Friday, and Saturday the juveniles moved in. They have only been fed water with enzymes and a tea made of No Mercy Bacterial and Bio-Nova Microlife. at day 14 I will start with the H&G A+B and CalMag.

Just been watered this morning. If it looks like they have sunk into the pots, it's because they have......I like to plant seedlings deep so that the cotyledons are just above the soil, i.e. 8-10 cm deep.
As you can see, the Autopots and airdomes haven't been switched on yet, will give them another week or so before retiring best fiend watering can

And here is the Milk Lady presiding in her lone Autopot which will be fed from a 47 L tank full of milky goodness. The airdome on this one is running. The other 6 will feed from a 210 L tank.
I will begin the Mainlining when she is a wee bit bigger, say 3-5 cm higher.

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I felt like singing a lullaby when I saw that baby formula/milk...they are sure gonna explode in them autopots..vicious growth due to arrive shortly...been years since I grew with autopots but was never disappointed (except when the roots started to clog the valves)...
So it is.....! Here is the specs of the Milk powder I use(notice it's vanilla flavored, no less!).........I gave a feed with 3,5 g/L at day 8 and another of same strength today to make sure there is a base of nutes in the Atami Lightmix. I will reduce that to 1 g/L from now on and take it from there

View attachment 485191 View attachment 485194
That should do the trick!