Mephisto Genetics The CannaDrama Tabernacle: Hubbabubbasmelloscope, Autopots, Milk powder

That's the spirit mate, so let's explore the Milk Lady who got neglected at the last update yesterday.

She's started to stretch a bit out of the bushyness, and if the milk powder continues to be agreeable, she might still end up being a Queen......View attachment 493861

Corgy, that is just outrageous!
If you put your milk power in a brightly colored bottle with cartoon labels and a catchy name....
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Corgy, that is just outrageous!
If you put that milk power in a brightly colored bottle with cartoon labels and a catchy name....

And some hooters.....don't forget the hooters.......

Seeing over in your thread you are fast becoming the resident oracle on Siliconestry :thumbsup:, I'll let you in with a 25 % share if you handle the hooters........with a gentle abundance of hooting cleavage..........I believe that is vital to successful marketing and they should be both on the front and back labels, don't you think.......perhaps holographic for "that'll clinch it, you lucky punters" effect........:crying:

Now that we are on the subject of silicone, what are your most profound thoughts on boys and girls with a yearning for silicone reinforcement adding 1 ml per kg body weight to a glass of tepid milk every morning of Fasilitator or similar or is this a better way forward

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And some hooters.....don't forget the hooters.......

Seeing over in your thread you are fast becoming the resident oracle on Siliconestry :thumbsup:, I'll let you in with a 25 % share if you handle the hooters........with a gentle abundance of hooting cleavage..........I believe that is vital to successful marketing and they should be both on the front and back labels, don't you

Now that we are on the subject of silicone, what are your most profound thoughts

I don't know.
That is why I wrote all that drivel about Silicon. Just trying to figure it out, my brain hurts.
How can I know what I think until I see what I write.

I am loving your milk experiment, please please continue.
Cleavage you say? That reminds me of some old humor:

When I was young, all I wanted was a girl with big breasts...

In high school, I dated a girl with big breasts, but there was no
passion...So I decided I needed a passionate girl..

In college, I dated a passionate girl, but she was too emotional..
Everything was an emergency, she cried all the time. So I decided I
needed a girl with some stability..

I found a very stable girl, but she was boring. She never got excited
about anything. So I decided I needed a girl with some excitement..

I found an exciting girl, but I couldn't keep up with her. She rushed
from one thing to another, never settling on anything. She was
directionless.....So I decided to find a girl with some ambition..

After college, I found an ambitious girl and married her. She was so
ambitious, she divorced me and took everything I owned..

Now all I want is a girl with big breasts.

Cute blond.jpg
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Thanks for sorting the hooter bottle label, that was quick, sure beats that wet Betty spinster :thumbsup: now for a catchy name, should be something that appeals to macho women, feminine men, Donald Trump, Jose Mourinho, Greenpeace and the NRA at the same time........Earthmilk or some such is invented and jaded...........just doesn't come across right me thinks..........any suggestions?
mmmmm, always suspected Betty does it for discerning gentlemen with exquisite taste........I'm still trying to progress from lowbrow to highbrow View attachment 494128

Hey man, your Journal... your choice of topics. :biggrin:
I admire Wet Betty's ability to walk on a beach in high heels and her flexibility. The marketing works.... we are talking about it.

For years I wanted a flexible girlfriend who could do a split easily or wrap her arm around the back of her knees.
Bah, overrated. Good for novelty value and joining the circus but not very practical for the bedroom.

Speaking of splits... what happens if I slice the top of a FIMed cannabis stalk right down the middle and graft a cutting in there.
Bad idea?

What about grafting a seedling for a big plant like HBSS onto a small root stump like Sour Crack?
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Hey man, your Journal... your choice of topics.
I admire Wet Betty's flexibility, and the marketing works.... we are talking about it.

It it works for VW to talk about their diesel engine shysterware..........there is no such thing as bad publicity, or is there.........

Speaking of splits... what happens if I slice the top of a FIMed cannabis stalk right down the middle and graft a cutting in there.
Bad idea?

What about grafting a seedling for a big plant like HBSS onto a small root stump like Sour Crack?

Ah yes, grafting...........doubt much would happen, except for some wilting. Grafting takes time you don't have me thinks........but it would be neat to have a wholesome photoperiod mother, and whenever you were in the mood, stick an Auto cutting onto her, or several from different strains.......just like the trio or more fruit trees one can buy or plant with all the Mephisto strains on the southside and all the DP strains on the northside.......just a thought!!!

Here's another thought, if doing some Hazytraining, why not air layering all the way to the rim of the pot and beyond if you fancy, like this
air layering.jpg
exclamation 2.gif
Day 49 update

It's that time of the year.......a fresh update is forthcoming, and what better way than to start with the Milk Lady........

She is starting to look a little deficient, what exactly is beyond me, probably a bit of everything, so I have upped the milk powder dose from 2 g/L to 4 g/L......we'll see

She's standing 63 cm tall in all her paleness........lots of bud sites



The other 6 Hubba's are now basking under 2 x 600w nominal Marshydro illumination of the 3w diode variety, and they are rampant. Compared to the Milk Lady, they seem to have put their efforts so far into growth rather than buds. They got their first bloom feed, GHE FloraNova bloom at full strength, silicone(yes, I finally got something....!) and calmag for good measure 2 days ago..

The 2 front runners is now 143 cm tall and still climbing the ladder with the others catching up fast. I have started to supercrop and snip leaves, a lot of leaves........but still none of that bubble gum smell that others are waxing lyrically about. Yes, there is a smell when the stems is rubbed in a caressing manner, but not what I would call a chewy fragrance.......we'll see
