Mephisto Genetics The CannaDrama Tabernacle: Hubbabubbasmelloscope, Autopots, Milk powder

You must be doing a bunch of stuff right.

If only I knew EXACTLY what........I put it down in no particular order to beginners luck, Autopots and Airdomes...
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I've lost track, how many plants do you have growing right now, 30?

At the time of writing, 18 Walter White, 4 AU, 7 HBSS and 6 Amnesia Haze.........but the Walters was really just a test for Mitch, but now that they are there, lets see what mayhem ensues......never did a SoG before so that will be fun......I need a mentor for that, any volunteers
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.....and the Amnesia Haze photo clone maidens were an unexpected gift, well, a challenge from a kind growshop bloke who claims Auto's are not the bees knees and wants to set me on the righteous path.............yes, it's
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Day 49 update

It's that time of the year.......a fresh update is forthcoming, and what better way than to start with the Milk Lady........

She is starting to look a little deficient, what exactly is beyond me, probably a bit of everything, so I have upped the milk powder dose from 2 g/L to 4 g/L......we'll see

She's standing 63 cm tall in all her paleness........lots of bud sites

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The other 6 Hubba's are now basking under 2 x 600w nominal Marshydro illumination of the 3w diode variety, and they are rampant. Compared to the Milk Lady, they seem to have put their efforts so far into growth rather than buds. They got their first bloom feed, GHE FloraNova bloom at full strength, silicone(yes, I finally got something....!) and calmag for good measure 2 days ago..

The 2 front runners is now 143 cm tall and still climbing the ladder with the others catching up fast. I have started to supercrop and snip leaves, a lot of leaves........but still none of that bubble gum smell that others are waxing lyrically about. Yes, there is a smell when the stems is rubbed in a caressing manner, but not what I would call a chewy fragrance.......we'll see

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Now that's going to be a huge harvest! Amazing mate
And some hooters.....don't forget the hooters.......

How about nutes in a baby bottle?
Or a bottle shaped like cleavage?
I'm telling ya, there is gold in them there hooters.
Call the nutes a break through with nano technology and micro fine fat globules.
How is your milky girl?
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