Mephisto Genetics The CannaDrama Tabernacle: Hubbabubbasmelloscope, Autopots, Milk powder

Looking good, Corgy. I'm really interested in those autopots; I'd like to cut down on the time spent mixing/filling jugs daily.

How often are you changing the rez at this point? If the rez were full, is that good for up to 6-7 days?

The water doesn't recirculate so the concentrations in the solution are not being used up like they would in an ebb-flow/recirculating system, correct? Seems cool to me, I would like not having to rely on pumps and timers.

Yes, you are correct, the concentration does not change. Think of the system as a toilet, you flush and the float valve opens until the water tank is full and it closes again until the next flush. Only gravity is required....
I don't "change" the resolution, I let the reservoir run almost empty, refill with water and then add another batch of nutes and such. I don't bother with EC/ppm, and only occasionally do I check pH, it's always in the sweet range of 6.1 - 6.5. How long the reservoir will last, well it depends on the size of the reservoir obviously, and at what stage the plants are at, i.e.e how thirsty they are and ambient temperature, humidity and such, so there no definite answer to that. I also aerate the reservoir with a 45 l/m airpump and always use airdomes.

Herefter is a couple of decent videos explaining the inns and outs

I don't understand the advise to mix clay pellets into the medium "to help drainage" when the feed water is being delivered from the bottom, but perhaps the bloke is living in a reversed gravity field or some such.....
......but it could also just be me being daft

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:smoking:Dude! Gravity does all kinds of strange shit when your stone!:baked:

I don't understand the advise to mix clay pellets into the medium "to help drainage" when the feed water is being delivered from the bottom, but perhaps the bloke is living in a reversed gravity field or some such.....View attachment 492989......but it could also just be me being daft View attachment 492990

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Cool, Corgy, that's about what I thought as far as how the autopots function and so forth. Sounds really cool to be honest. Some equipment cost up front but would accrue a lot of interest in time saved over the long haul, and gives the ability to be absent the grow room for a period of time. Some great advantages there.
What do you mean..... What I think.... It's very flattering, but thinking is a skill I still have to master.... I surmise:haha:

An earthtainer, well, well..... It certainly looks the deal compared to a plain vanilla black bucket, but it's more like a DWC thingie without the air pump..... It does have an "aeration bench"......which I suppose is handy in case one feel like sitting down for awhile..... But it ain't the same modus operandi as an Autopot but no doubt an Earthtainer will get some sort of a job done, just not for me, I evaluate...... I try to keep EC/ppm and such at arms length at the best of times, and the Earthtainer encourages feeding straight out of the reservoir and I would get utterly confused about which ppm's would be disappearing and what EC's would be left, let alone what kind of TDS to add to get the measures back to where it should be..... I'm a bit of a simpleton when it comes to hightechcrity...... I estimate!
I would get utterly confused about which ppm's would be disappearing and what EC's would be left

Well said, I see your point.
The Earth 'Tainer is more for delivering water to soil loaded with enough nutes for the grow, like TLO or Biotabs.

Your Airpots are delivering nutes from a clean reservoir.
I didn't recognized the difference until you explained it in your unique style. :biggrin:
Did I really make a visible point.........WORLD, here I finally come........
you made my day.jpg

On a more flippant note
calvin lets go exploring.jpg

Day 38 update

The sprint continues, the 2 large girls are now 119 and 117 cm, growth of 35 and 43 cm in 5 days respectively......I'm starting to get AU flashbacks, and it ain't pretty. All this exuberance has been taking place under a single Marshydro 600w with 3w diodes, not bad at all......I wonder what would have happened if a light with a more "dialed in spectrum", according to some, had been deployed........even the light detector in the corner, a red bougainvillea, has given a nod of approval!

Feed is still H&G A+B at full strength with pH 6.4'ish, a pinch of calmag and plenty stern admonishments to keep it low........


That's the spirit mate, so let's explore the Milk Lady who got neglected at the last update yesterday.

Here she is at day 39, being fed 1,5 g/l and nothing else until now, apart from whatever food was in the Atami lightmix from the beginning. So far no signs of a craving for calmag and such. She drinks app. 3 L a day now.


She's started to stretch a bit out of the bushyness, and if the milk powder continues to be agreeable, she might still end up being a Queen......
wide eyes.jpg
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