Indoor Teetee does some Sawney Beans and some Dutch Passion classics

Lovely ladies mate, I cannot fail to see the Condemned and Broomstick taking the lead here...:toke:

Yes the Auto Lemon Kix is massive and the Auto Night Queen doesn't look too bad (maybe a bit rough around the edges). But yeah what can I say, well done @Sawney_bean :d5: and you for keeping them going even when the chips are down.. much love and respect to you!:thumbsup:

Sending nothing but :vibes:
Lovely ladies mate, I cannot fail to see the Condemned and Broomstick taking the lead here...:toke:

Yes the Auto Lemon Kix is massive and the Auto Night Queen doesn't look too bad (maybe a bit rough around the edges). But yeah what can I say, well done @Sawney_bean :d5: and you for keeping them going even when the chips are down.. much love and respect to you!:thumbsup:

Sending nothing but :vibes:
Very kind to say mate. Thanks 😊
Some nice smoke coming from Tees tent .
Day 62 - the final push
Hey, thanks for popping over, How ya doing?
Thanks also to Sawney and Antonio's input, and to @hecno for the rep points.... much appreciated as always.
Yesterday it was day 62, our neighbour was right outside mowing the lawn, so I had to be quick getting the photos.

The tent is absolutely chokka....
Day 62 Group.JPG

Clockwise from top left: Condemned, Boomstick, (behind the enormous) Lemon Kix, and Night Queen

Last week, the taller stems on the huge Lemon Kix started to bend right over, encroaching on my other Ladies' personal space. I thought I had some Yoyos, but I must have thrown them when I ditched all my growing gear a year or so back, grrrr.

There's a grow shop an hour's drive away but I don't like going there... small town and who knows who's watching, eh? I managed to get a 75cm x 75cm stretchy net and some yoyos.... after a stressful arvo threading the Lemon Kix's taller branches through it, and a few well placed Yoyos, this was the end result...
Day 62 LK.JPG

She's doing OK, but as Antonio said, she looks a bit rough. I suspect I could have fed her a stronger feed but I was being a bit cautious. She's drinking about 7 litres a day EC 1.0 with a good shot of Cal-Mag. Last week I gave her 7 days of PK13/14 and she's enjoying some Bud Candy to bring out those buds.... She's still got a fair way to go.

As you could see in the group photo, the Night Queen at the front left is fairly big, and is competing with the Lemon Kix for space there. She's also looking a bit rough round the edges... being pushed to the max, and again, I've upped the Cal-Mag. She's got plenty of nice looking bud on her though...
Day 62 NQ.JPG

I had to drag the NQ out to get photos of the other two, but it was worth the effort.
Here's Condemned...
Day 62 Cond 1.JPG

She's looking fucking great!
Day 62 Cond 2.JPG

...and another shot of that sticky goodness...
Day 62 Cond 3.JPG

Finally, tucked away in the back far right corner is the Boomstick...
Day 62 Boom 1.JPG

She's also got some grease on those chunky assed buds...
Day 62 Boom 2.JPG

and another...
Day 62 Boom 3.JPG

I reckon the Night Queen, Condemned and Boomstick have around 2-3 weeks left to go, but the Lemon may go for a couple of weeks more.... we'll see!

That's it for today, tune in again for more next week!
Hey, thanks for popping over, How ya doing?
Thanks also to Sawney and Antonio's input, and to @hecno for the rep points.... much appreciated as always.
Yesterday it was day 62, our neighbour was right outside mowing the lawn, so I had to be quick getting the photos.

The tent is absolutely chokka....
View attachment 1699780
Clockwise from top left: Condemned, Boomstick, (behind the enormous) Lemon Kix, and Night Queen

Last week, the taller stems on the huge Lemon Kix started to bend right over, encroaching on my other Ladies' personal space. I thought I had some Yoyos, but I must have thrown them when I ditched all my growing gear a year or so back, grrrr.

There's a grow shop an hour's drive away but I don't like going there... small town and who knows who's watching, eh? I managed to get a 75cm x 75cm stretchy net and some yoyos.... after a stressful arvo threading the Lemon Kix's taller branches through it, and a few well placed Yoyos, this was the end result...
View attachment 1699781

She's doing OK, but as Antonio said, she looks a bit rough. I suspect I could have fed her a stronger feed but I was being a bit cautious. She's drinking about 7 litres a day EC 1.0 with a good shot of Cal-Mag. Last week I gave her 7 days of PK13/14 and she's enjoying some Bud Candy to bring out those buds.... She's still got a fair way to go.

As you could see in the group photo, the Night Queen at the front left is fairly big, and is competing with the Lemon Kix for space there. She's also looking a bit rough round the edges... being pushed to the max, and again, I've upped the Cal-Mag. She's got plenty of nice looking bud on her though...
View attachment 1699782

I had to drag the NQ out to get photos of the other two, but it was worth the effort.
Here's Condemned...
View attachment 1699777

She's looking fucking great!
View attachment 1699778

...and another shot of that sticky goodness...
View attachment 1699779

Finally, tucked away in the back far right corner is the Boomstick...
View attachment 1699774

She's also got some grease on those chunky assed buds...
View attachment 1699775

and another...View attachment 1699776

I reckon the Night Queen, Condemned and Boomstick have around 2-3 weeks left to go, but the Lemon may go for a couple of weeks more.... we'll see!

That's it for today, tune in again for more next week!

"Ummmph! Mass Quantities of salivation. Must wipe mouth!"
Day 72 -75 Time to crop the Night Queen and Condemned New
Fuck me, it's only Monday and I'm shattered!

Last Friday night, I decided to chop the Night Queen. I stayed up all night and finished her by about 7am Saturday morning, and as everyone woke up after a long refreshing sleep, I got on with the day as usual.
I decided to chop the Condemned on Saturday night, but could only manage it until about 5am Sunday morning, then grabbed about 5 hours sleep.
Up at 10am to get on with family shit again, and after they went to sleep that night, I stayed up till 4am this (Monday) morning to finish the Condemned off. Up again 5 hours later.....

The place fucking stinks. I have the 4 boxes of manicured stems in an upstairs bathroom with a 5inch Hyperfan and filter running at full blast to keep the stench from escaping out the house and up into our neighbours' nostrils. Regular visitors to my threads may remember that I live 3 doors down from a Cop..... I do like to make my grows as challenging as possible.

I took a few pics using a macro and blew them up on the computer to check the trichomes and gauge when to do the harvesting.
Here's some from day 72...

Day 72 Boom 1.JPG

mainly cloudies, but not ready yet.

Day 72 Cond 1.JPG

Mostly cloudy with a few ambers.... she's so thick with goo and I'm worried she might go mouldy if I wait too much longer.

Night Queen
Day 72 NQ 2.JPG

I've convinced myself there's a few ambers amongst those cloudies... especially on the leaves. She's just about done.

Lemon Kix
Day 72 LK.JPG

mainly cloudy and clears, so she can live for a couple more weeks.

On day 73 I checked the Night Queen and Condemned again...

Day 73 Cond.JPG

Night Queen
Day 73 NQ 1.JPG
Day 73 NQ 2.JPG

These were taken last Thursday, and seeing that I can only crop on weekends (because of the sleep deprivation) I thought it was best to take the Night Queen down ASAP followed by the Condemned.
Waiting another week would risk losing some bud to mould, and I wasn't keen on that idea. In any case, next weekend is reserved for cropping the Boomstick and maybe the Lemon Kix.

Here's the Night Queen, manicured and ready to hang in boxes to dry...
Day 75 NQ crop.JPG

They were really solid buds, covered in trichomes. Look at the block of Scissor hash there.... absolutely lovely in the Mighty Vape.

Here's Condemned, just moments before she got chopped on day 75....
Day 75 Cond 1.JPG

Look at those heavy buds bowing out like that!

Here's some final close ups of Condemned...
Day 75 Cond 2.JPG

Day 75 Cond 6.JPG

And lastly, just for @WildBill a couple of shots of a very sparkly looking Boomstick, to drool over...
Day 75 Boom 4.JPG
Day 75 Boom 5.JPG

Thanks for taking a peek, I hope you enjoyed the show!
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You deserve some good rest mate what a shift you have pulled off.
Now on to the drying and smoking yaaaasssssssssss :devil:
Enjoy mate. 😉
Day 80 to 88 - Final harvesting New
You deserve some good rest mate what a shift you have pulled off.
Now on to the drying and smoking yaaaasssssssssss
No rest for the wicked mate. The Night Queen and Condemned may be down, but there's two more left to go.... the Boomstick and the Lemon Kix.

I chopped Night Queen and Condemned on the weekend of the 23rd and 24th August, days 74 and 75 respectively.
On day 80 it was the turn of the Boomstick.
Here she is just before I got to work...
Day 80 Boom 1.JPG

She was full of solid bud....
Day 80 Boom 3.JPG

with plenty of sparkle on her...
Day 80 Boom 2.JPG

I manicured her stems and hung them up in a couple of boxes. Another long night but definitely a pleasure not a chore.

That left the Lemon Kix.... she got very big very quickly and I think I was a bit cautious with the feed, so by the time I upped her EC she had gone through a bit of a slow down with the bud production. Once she picked up, it was too late and I just had to try and get her over the finishing line.

She was massive but her stems were a bit thin, so I had to put a net in and held everything up with yoyos...
Day 83 LK 1.JPG

From a different angle you can see how tall she got...
Day 83 LK 2.JPG

Her colas looked substantial, but they were fluffy not hard, and she was foxtailing like crazy...
Day 83 LK 3.JPG

Those pics were taken on day 83. I decided to stop feeding her for a couple of days, and on day 88 I got in the tent and proceeded to pull all her leaves out....
I tried to take a few pics from inside the tent, but it was hard to fit her in....
Day 88 LK 1.JPG

So I took a shot of her top half...
Day 88 LK 3.JPG

... and one from underneath...
Day 88 LK 4.JPG

The buds were really fluffy by now...
Day 88 LK 5.JPG

... but close up, there's a good amount of frost...
Day 88 LK 6.JPG

and a final juicy shot...
Day 88 LK 7.JPG

So NOW I can relax a bit. They are all hanging in boxes, except for the Lemon Kix, which is hanging in the tent, lights off, fans on.

It's been 2 weeks for the Night Queen and Condemned, and they are almost dry enough to remove the buds from the hanging stems and jar with Bovedas, I reckon another 2-3 days. The Boomstick will probably need another week. and the Lemon Kix should be a bit quicker as she's in the tent.

Once everything's dry and jarred I'll do the weigh in... should be a good 35-40 ounces hopefully!
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