New Grower Slaters first grow... Fixin' to be a lot better, man...3xBig Easy, Freedom Seeds

Learn from my mistake...Don't try and crimp your ducting if you don't have the tools and its most probably not going to fit... and don't do it when your over tiered and not thinking straight...

This shit happens... :face: don't worry the flex pipe will still go's over it... not a complete FUBAR

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This is how you do it... all hail aluminum tape:worship:

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Is that aluminium quieter than the normal ducting
Is that aluminium quieter than the normal ducting

I don't know yet, I'm planning to install it tomorrow hopefully if the kids give me 5 mins. The question is do have it close to the fan or have a length of flexy ducting before I reach the fan... This I shall ponder over tonight.
Once in I shall have full report on the noise level.

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I hate ducting. It's probably the only part of all this that I hate.

I might begin to hate it. Its one of those things you need the tools for and some experience if you going to use the metal connectors. The youtube vids are great but doing it is a different story. I was so excited to get started, time for a new building project then it all stared to go down hill, I spat my dummy and nearly bought a new piece. The misses had to calm me down then she go's and points out the easiest way to do it and tape that fucker on :face:... what would I do with out her.
The reason for all this is that I wanted to split my extraction for my 2 tents but one had to down size from 5" to 4" (I have a spare 4" filter) so that's was the need for the connector to the Y . Which did not fit together or the probably do if I knew what i was doing.
Sticking with plastic next time.
I don't know yet, I'm planning to install it tomorrow hopefully if the kids give me 5 mins. The question is do have it close to the fan or have a length of flexy ducting before I reach the fan... This I shall ponder over tonight.
Once in I shall have full report on the noise level.

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the ducting connecting my fan to filter only has a couple of inches at most, but I've seen this done all sorts of ways