New Grower Slaters first grow... Fixin' to be a lot better, man...3xBig Easy, Freedom Seeds

Hey there, it looks like your coming along! I followed you here because you welcomed me on my first post (thanks!).

I especially want to congratulate to on giving up sickarettes. I quit a few years ago but I vape. Maybe once I grow some meds I'll be vaping something else instead.

All the best, I'll keep my eye on you!

Thanks @Blumoonflower for joining me, give me a shout when you get a journal up and running. Giving them cancer sticks up was the best thing I've ever done, I did it for my 2 wonderful little girls (age 5 and 2) and i got a scare from the doc now I only smoke pure anti cancer sticks :smoking:
I'll have to check those out. I've got a Hannah, but the probe's getting pretty beat up. The idea of buying replacement probes has me wondering if there isn't a cheaper way that I'd be happy with.

this part of the hobby seems to be a pricey bit and so confusing on what to get, I suppose its one of those trial and error situation and you find what fits for you. I'm not goign to do a full coco grow until the new year so I will put that decision off until then.
Day 29
I'm amazed at how fast they can grow, came home from work and every thing had changed... I'm tempted to set my camera on time laps just see the growth in 24hrs.

No.1 runty, she has started to speed up a bit, did a little training and removed a couple massive fan leave's that was blocking all light getting in center.
WP_20160921_19_27_57_Rich (2).jpg

No.2, again removed a couple of big fan leave's to give more of chance to some of the smaller bud sites, done a little more training
WP_20160921_19_23_15_Rich (2).jpg

No.3, now named "The Misses" by the misses :rolleyes1:... did a bit more training and little leaf tucking
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Did finger poke up to the knuckle and weight check to see if they needed a water, all felt reasonably moist and still had some weight to them. I recon they will need a water tomorrow.
Questions -
I'm using Bio Bizz nutes, we are now into week 4, would I need to start introducing them to the bloom feed on plants 2 and 3 now or wait for some more stretch.
They have had a cal-mag foila spray a couple of times... if I'm using cal-mag do i need epsom salts
Grow 2 has now fully popped (2x big easy and 1x AK49). Two are looking normal , but this one is looking little bit on the special side (one of the Big Easy's). Has anyone seen this before. Could it be genetics, it was the last to show it stumpy little head... I'm going to leave it to see what happens as it seem to be standing tall.

WP_20160921_19_08_12_Rich (2).jpg
Day 29
I'm amazed at how fast they can grow, came home from work and every thing had changed... I'm tempted to set my camera on time laps just see the growth in 24hrs.

No.1 runty, she has started to speed up a bit, did a little training and removed a couple massive fan leave's that was blocking all light getting in center.
View attachment 634780

No.2, again removed a couple of big fan leave's to give more of chance to some of the smaller bud sites, done a little more training
View attachment 634781

No.3, now named "The Misses" by the misses :rolleyes1:... did a bit more training and little leaf tucking
View attachment 634782

Did finger poke up to the knuckle and weight check to see if they needed a water, all felt reasonably moist and still had some weight to them. I recon they will need a water tomorrow.
Questions -
I'm using Bio Bizz nutes, we are now into week 4, would I need to start introducing them to the bloom feed on plants 2 and 3 now or wait for some more stretch.
They have had a cal-mag foila spray a couple of times... if I'm using cal-mag do i need epsom salts
Someone on here advised me to start bloom nutes around day 35-40. The only thing I wonder about your plants is if the leaves look as dark green in real life. My N/L was like this but it took me until flower to realise it was a sign of too much Nitrogen, which is in the grow nutes and the calmag, as you know. On my last grow, I used Floranova Grow and Bloom. They're not easy nutes, IME, but this time I bought the Flora 3 part series (Micro, Gro and Bloom) and I like how there is no N in the Bloom and I might even use Epsom salt during bloom rather than calmag. Lol I've got short term mem loss... how much nutes are ya feeding? Biobizz might have feeding charts online.
Someone on here advised me to start bloom nutes around day 35-40. The only thing I wonder about your plants is if the leaves look as dark green in real life. My N/L was like this but it took me until flower to realise it was a sign of too much Nitrogen, which is in the grow nutes and the calmag, as you know. On my last grow, I used Floranova Grow and Bloom. They're not easy nutes, IME, but this time I bought the Flora 3 part series (Micro, Gro and Bloom) and I like how there is no N in the Bloom and I might even use Epsom salt during bloom rather than calmag. Lol I've got short term mem loss... how much nutes are ya feeding? Biobizz might have feeding charts online.

I've been feeding them on 1/2ml grow and only for the last 2 waters. twice sprayed with cal-mag at half strength. I've found a few bio bizz schedule's and most start around week 4 for bloom. Most conversations say to ignore the bio bizz charts especially for auto's. I've started off low because most schedules I;ve looked at are for a light mix.
I was thinking that with epsom salts, seem to be common thing.
The pics are taken under a warm CFL which could be making them look a bit lusher on the green department.
Well the best thing to do is just find out, I think I will introduce bloom to the next water for the bigger 2 and start off low and slowly increase.
I'm going to back off on the smallest as I've now found out the burn on the tips is a little nute burn... I think. So just water for the next feed.