New Grower Slaters first grow... Fixin' to be a lot better, man...3xBig Easy, Freedom Seeds

Hey @Slater sorry I didn't head on over sooner! Love the DIY fan silencer! Pretty neat! I was like man this guy is really about growing, he told the wife he's taking the stuffing from the couch to silence a fan lmao then I read your replacing it haha. I was like man I like this guy he's like me! I made the wife give up the WHOLE master bedroom for my garden lol
Anyway things are looking great! Can't wait for the next update! Im a renter too and took down my whole operation for our inspection to sign a new lease.... And let me just say... she didn't even go in that room, let alone up the stairs lol....I had 13 plants I had to bag up and carefully move to the garage for the day in broad day light in city limits haha I put them in a big home depot box with a body bag over the top and walked myself and the floppy top cannabis plants to the garage past my neighbors smoking outside lol sooooo sketchy
Lol your wife's very understanding... could just see you walking under a bag with plants... the neighbours probably thought, "oh look, he's moving his weed plants."
Lol your wife's very understanding... could just see you walking under a bag with plants... the neighbours probably thought, "oh look, he's moving his weed plants."
Be quiet no they didn't lmao.... Yeah they probably did....I dunno? :shrug: they still talk to me everyday so I think it's ok? Lol
Time for an update...couldn't wait to get home from work, feel like school kid again waiting to get home and play with my new toys. Kids must feel they are coming second to what ever daddy is doing on loft :pimp:
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Plants seem all good and i think they are starting to stretch, stuck my finger in the soil and they felt a little dry, gave them the weight test and they felt light so I though i better give them a water. 4ltr each with half strength bio bizz grow, again had about a 20% run off. I also did little bit more training on the 2 bigger plants.
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Didn't do any training on runty, she is just not going as fast as the others but is very leafy. I did find that she seem to have a few burnt looking tips. The other 2 plants have shown no sign of this.
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Sorry pic didn't come out that good, over all she is looking healthy

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I feel she is about week behind the others. So all back in the tent watered, stroked and loved just in time for bed time story's with the kids.

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Good news for round 2 (2 more Big Easy auto's and 1 x AK49 auto) The AK49 is just about to show its face

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The plan for these 3 is to bring them up in my propagation tent turned on its side to fit them in (120cmx60cmx100cm with a Mars 96 reflector). The reason for the second grow practically side by side with the other 3 (4 weeks between them) is that I want to break the kit down after Christmas for a re-build to make it more stealthy, box the tents in like a cool box to keep the heat in for winter and out in the summer. Also I want it that when you look into the loft you won't see any thing for all the boxes. So I though I better stock pile... I gave up the evil weed of tobacco 7 months ago (cold turky, no vaps, I have stamped that 29yr addiction out for good) and I like a joint or 2 over bongs all the time. So I found that I am going though a lot more... super stoned...Its so much better with out tobacco.

I will be giving these 3 plant different nutes from the first 3, I thought of going with the old timer range to compare them with the Bio Bizz nutes, also they are in 30% coco and soil mix, nice and light and airy.
Do I need a pH pen for this grow ?

Mega up date done...

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I also gave up the evil tobaco and just love smokin my pipe with weed.

Because of the coco in your mix, I would get a pH pen, although I wouldn't have a clue what pH to keep them at. My tap water in UK has pH 8.0, so I couldn't be without it. I like how you've scrogged so early (I assume that's what it's called). I've only seen this done when the plants are bigger, but I can see what benefits there would be with your method. Do you test your EC?

Here's some rep points for your grow so far:slap:
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I also gave up the evil tobaco and just love smokin my pipe with weed.

Because of the coco in your mix, I would get a pH pen, although I wouldn't have a clue what pH to keep them at. My tap water in UK has pH 8.0, so I couldn't be without it. I like how you've scrogged so early (I assume that's what it's called). I've only seen this done when the plants are bigger, but I can see what benefits there would be with your method. Do you test your EC?

Here's some rep points for your grow so far:slap:

Thanks for the rep point Cat:cheers:... there needs to be a fist bump smiley.
I'm in the UK as well (south west) and according to the water hardness map I'm in soft area but It depend who you talk to around town, some say its hard. I think getting a pH pen is must. No I don't test my EC, I guess that's another thing I should start looking into, If I'm heading for the coco route... time to do some more reading and go shopping :woohoo1:, I'm looking at Y ducting fittings as I type to split my extraction for both my tents.

The training was a little of the cuff and me starting to learn (might have been a bit eager). I started around the 5th to 6th node gently pulling the main stem to the side over a few days then started to place the wires across the pot as the side branches started to shoot up. They all look all a little bit low at the start. I had my light way to close so the plant didn't reach for the sky. Comparing them to other grows I felt they where way short... but then another grower who has grown smoky bear auto by the same breeder said that his started off short and super leafy then went mental in the stretch... Who knows... I did have to go and pick a none documented strain to start with :wall:, so nothing to compare to. That's kinda why I started this journal, so there was some thing out there to look at about this strain.
Could any one recommend me a good EC and pH pen, I know the rule on buy cheap buy twice (all ready suffered from that with my extraction fan) but I am on a tight budget now. These things look a little pricey... And do I really need them for these 2 soil grows, the second being 30% coco... @Yeatster @Discretepete2676
Sorry @Cat forgot to tag you in that last post... what pen do you use ?
I know what you mean about 'buy cheap buy twice', however, I've had a lot of luck with a £10 pH pen and £15 TDS meter, both from ebay. I calibrate the Ph pen monthly and it's only ever out by .1The pH pens are a little more dodgy and I'd stay away from the 99p ones. They look the same , but they're not. This yellow Ph pen I use is by ATC. There is one combined EC and Ph meter by Blue lab (I think) that I'd love, but it's nearly £200. Meanwhile, I use these...


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Thanks for the rep point Cat:cheers:... there needs to be a fist bump smiley.
I'm in the UK as well (south west) and according to the water hardness map I'm in soft area but It depend who you talk to around town, some say its hard. I think getting a pH pen is must. No I don't test my EC, I guess that's another thing I should start looking into, If I'm heading for the coco route... time to do some more reading and go shopping :woohoo1:, I'm looking at Y ducting fittings as I type to split my extraction for both my tents.

The training was a little of the cuff and me starting to learn (might have been a bit eager). I started around the 5th to 6th node gently pulling the main stem to the side over a few days then started to place the wires across the pot as the side branches started to shoot up. They all look all a little bit low at the start. I had my light way to close so the plant didn't reach for the sky. Comparing them to other grows I felt they where way short... but then another grower who has grown smoky bear auto by the same breeder said that his started off short and super leafy then went mental in the stretch... Who knows... I did have to go and pick a none documented strain to start with :wall:, so nothing to compare to. That's kinda why I started this journal, so there was some thing out there to look at about this strain.
Yes, I'm also in SW. Some say anything over 300ppm is hard water and others say much higher. My tap EC is 330ppm. I think the first grow is more difficult because there is no other ref point other than what we read. I can only research so much and then need to learn the rest hands on
Yes, I'm also in SW. Some say anything over 300ppm is hard water and others say much higher. My tap EC is 330ppm. I think the first grow is more difficult because there is no other ref point other than what we read. I can only research so much and then need to learn the rest hands on

Thanks for that @Cat that seems to be more in my price range, given some rep back dude... starting to get the hang of this forum... I was on THCtalk but its been down for some time and to be honest I've had more response from this forum, plus this is where the auto growers hang out. It was reading up on Tangs grows that got me here.