New Grower Slaters first grow... Fixin' to be a lot better, man...3xBig Easy, Freedom Seeds

Up Date
Grow 1.2 Day 88... I might as well stop counting they will get there when they get there

All 3 are coming along nicely, no problems, all that leaf trouble a few weeks back was definitely caused by the lights being to close. They had started to slow 6 days ago so I though it was time for AV Over Drive. Timed it bang on and they have gone into extra production, swelling loads and throwing load more pistols with fox tails every where. It looks like they will just go 'POP' any time soon.

Got no idea when these girls might finish. They are doing it on there own terms, so I might as well start taking bets...Its going to be 100+ days.

I now understand what a pheno is with these 2 Big Easy's, they look different but alike in many ways. No.1 is stockier, smells a bit different and super frosty and way fatter. And no.2 looks a lot like what grew on grow 1.0 but a bit better.

Big Easy no.1 - Freedom Seeds
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Proud of this cola, nearly as big as my forearm
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AK 49 - Vision Seeds
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Big Easy no.2
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Thanks for reading :pass:

Damn @Slater nice buds man tag me in your new grow man for sure!!
Damn @Slater nice buds man tag me in your new grow man for sure!!

Beans are in the ground, should be poking there little heads up tomorrow if we are lucky. Just getting every thing ready for the next journal and hopfully if the family gives me some time tomorrow it will be up and running.