New Grower Slaters first grow... Fixin' to be a lot better, man...3xBig Easy, Freedom Seeds

Merry Christmas every one

1 x AK 49 (Vision seeds) 2 x Big Easy (Freedom seeds)
Grow 1.2... Day... god only knows but we are so nearly there and my first adventure into growing is over, can't wait for round 2.

The AK49 will be the first to get the chop, I'm giving her 3 - 5 days before she is done. The AK and the Big easy next to her are now on only water. The AK is now going yellow and in her death throws, I knew hanging on a bit was good idea. She could get the chop today but I'm going to hang on just that little bit longer, as you can see in the pics she is still throwing out the pistols. Her trics are all milky now with I'm guessing 10%-15% amber on some of the buds. Those amber trics have only just turned up in the past few days as well as the full yellowing of the leaves wile I was away for the holidays. The AK 49 could be an auto you can tell by the trics when ready. Will check again tomorrow.
The Big Easy next to the AK will probably go a few days more. She is now showing yellowing and purpling of the leaves and has slowed right down, the over drive has stop having an effect.
The Big easy closest to the door is behind the the other 2 by a week I'm guessing. She is still putting the pistols out but has slowed and I've just noticed the beginnings of the leaves starting to yellow...there go's my perfect world of harvesting all 3 plants at the same time, looks like its going to be staggered over a 5-7 day period.

All the lady's
(far left AK49, far right and up front Big Easy's)

AK 49









Thanks for reading and hopefully on the next update well shall be chopping... :pass:
Your perfectionism is showing through. I think if I wanted to harvest all at once with the way your plants are looking I probably would just do it. On the other hand you may as well grow them exactly the way you like them[emoji41]
Hey @jingo I think I have a hermie, what do you think ?
these have exploded since yesterday



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Yeah you get those kind of Hermes when you take a plant really far and it thinks it's going to die and it makes a last-ditch effort to make some seeds. That's actually the way all female seeds were originally developed. You could collect the pollen maybe or attempt to collect the pollen anything anything you would get with that would be good Autoflower seeds.

I'd be tempted to leave a few buds on the plant with the Hermie until they develop some seeds. That would probably take three weeks or more, I would think. In that time you could Harvest all the other plants without them getting seeded.
Yeah you get those kind of Hermes when you take a plant really far and it thinks it's going to die and it makes a last-ditch effort to make some seeds. That's actually the way all female seeds were originally developed. You could collect the pollen maybe or attempt to collect the pollen anything anything you would get with that would be good Autoflower seeds.

I'd be tempted to leave a few buds on the plant with the Hermie until they develop some seeds. That would probably take three weeks or more, I would think. In that time you could Harvest all the other plants without them getting seeded.

Thanks dude, I thought I had a hermie. I shall chop her good buds tonight and I think I will go with that idea of leaving a few buds on the plant, sounds like fun to see what I get. So you recon they could be auto's then if i let it seed its self.
Do you think to be safe i should chop the other 2, they are pretty well much there.
Up Date

Chop chop chop... 6hrs, finished at 5.30am...bastard.

All 3 got the chop in the end last night, I did want to give @jingo 's suggestion of letting the hermie flower its self but as my second tent is down I need the main tent for drying so all 3 had to get in the neck. Got a lot more dense bud this time round but still had a huge amount of fluff and pop corn. Next grow is all about eliminating that and getting more smokable bud. Just need to get more light through the plant and I think I can turn that final wet weight in a 1000g +.

Wet weight of the AK49 - 750g (bag drying, going to be around the 5 - 6oz mark when dry)
As I'm hang drying the 2 Big Easy's I didn't get a wet weight but at a guess both around 500-700g.
I shall get some better bud shots as they dry.


Big Easy's

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Those are some nice looking buds you got there. The only time I worry about a late flower Hermie is when I'm doing a continuous grow then if they pollinate a flower that's real early you get all kinds of seeds and you're in trouble. But, if you did leave the one to try and see if you might just get a very few seeds out of a couple buds that's usually the way it works late and flower.

And they will be Autoflower seeds just like the original. If it's one that doesn't need to go that far and then hey you have you have a great plant to grow out over and over.