New Grower Slaters first grow... Fixin' to be a lot better, man...3xBig Easy, Freedom Seeds

Those are some nice looking buds you got there. The only time I worry about a late flower Hermie is when I'm doing a continuous grow then if they pollinate a flower that's real early you get all kinds of seeds and you're in trouble. But, if you did leave the one to try and see if you might just get a very few seeds out of a couple buds that's usually the way it works late and flower.

And they will be Autoflower seeds just like the original. If it's one that doesn't need to go that far and then hey you have you have a great plant to grow out over and over.

That makes we wish I had so much more room like your self to do more experiments, I'm loving the idea of having a go at my own seeds...I'm already seeding the idea to the misses we need to move...I want a bigger tent.
Hey @Slater sorry I didn't head on over sooner! Love the DIY fan silencer! Pretty neat! I was like man this guy is really about growing, he told the wife he's taking the stuffing from the couch to silence a fan lmao then I read your replacing it haha. I was like man I like this guy he's like me! I made the wife give up the WHOLE master bedroom for my garden lol
Anyway things are looking great! Can't wait for the next update! Im a renter too and took down my whole operation for our inspection to sign a new lease.... And let me just say... she didn't even go in that room, let alone up the stairs lol....I had 13 plants I had to bag up and carefully move to the garage for the day in broad day light in city limits haha I put them in a big home depot box with a body bag over the top and walked myself and the floppy top cannabis plants to the garage past my neighbors smoking outside lol sooooo sketchy
Were awefull arent we i kicked my husband out of his office it's like 12x60 excellent size for a garden.
Wow!! Marathon read! Just starting my first grow, got the OK from the old lady and began germinating yesterday.

Congrats dude, hope you're glued,
I'm new to the room, hoping for a bloom

Thanks for reading dude, you got a journal going for that first grow ? Tag me if ya do and I shall jump in.
Whoop Whoop...Happy grow shop day...

Been shopping and got me some more bit and pieces ready for my 2017 continual grow. Once I get started I plan to switch off next Christmas.
Got more 4" ducting to get the second tent up and running. Also got more 5" to replace the acoustic ducting from the main tent to the fan, that should sort my possible smell leak out and get better negative pressure... My advice...if you buy acoustic ducting go to the shop and inspect it, don't buy it on line. The last lot i got had more perforations in than a sheet of acid, load of little holes spiraling around the silver foil ducting inside the was a load of bollocks and a wast of money. I only get neg pressure when the fan is on 2/3 power. Before I changed to the acoustic ducting I was running the 2 tents on 1/2 power and they sucking in like it was going out of fashion...Oh well, we live and we learn.
Picked up some more nutes, sticking with the Plant Magic Old Timer range for my base nutes and I'm trying out there bloom boost (half the cost of AN big bud and twice the amount).
Also got some air pots to try out, 1 x 20ltr and 2 x 10ltr, got some new idea's for the tent on the next grow.
I think I will now close this thread and start a new one for the 2017 continual grow, will drop a link in when its up and running... now its time to so some work... but first :pass:
Whoop Whoop...Happy grow shop day...

Been shopping and got me some more bit and pieces ready for my 2017 continual grow. Once I get started I plan to switch off next Christmas.
Got more 4" ducting to get the second tent up and running. Also got more 5" to replace the acoustic ducting from the main tent to the fan, that should sort my possible smell leak out and get better negative pressure... My advice...if you buy acoustic ducting go to the shop and inspect it, don't buy it on line. The last lot i got had more perforations in than a sheet of acid, load of little holes spiraling around the silver foil ducting inside the was a load of bollocks and a wast of money. I only get neg pressure when the fan is on 2/3 power. Before I changed to the acoustic ducting I was running the 2 tents on 1/2 power and they sucking in like it was going out of fashion...Oh well, we live and we learn.
Picked up some more nutes, sticking with the Plant Magic Old Timer range for my base nutes and I'm trying out there bloom boost (half the cost of AN big bud and twice the amount).
Also got some air pots to try out, 1 x 20ltr and 2 x 10ltr, got some new idea's for the tent on the next grow.
I think I will now close this thread and start a new one for the 2017 continual grow, will drop a link in when its up and running... now its time to so some work... but first :pass:
Well I didn't mean to do that whole quote. I was just going to say we must be thinking along the same lines cuz I ordered 5 5 gallon air pots. Or at least they're supposed to be equivalent to five gallons I don't know what they are there green it might be the 20 liters.
Well I didn't mean to do that whole quote. I was just going to say we must be thinking along the same lines cuz I ordered 5 5 gallon air pots. Or at least they're supposed to be equivalent to five gallons I don't know what they are there green it might be the 20 liters.

Using air pots seems the logical next step in my production. I do plan down the line of having a go at using an air dome and bottom watering, I like the idea of soil ponics but for now air pots are the up grade.
I think my 20ltr pot is closest to your 5 gallon