Photoperiod Pop22's 2017 Greenhouse Grows


Greenhouse is just rolling along! All plants healthy and happy! In fact, the Azure Duck is so happy she decided to take over the raised bed! 41" tall and 56" WIDE! That's only a 3.5' x 7.5' raised bed! She's over grown the Blueberry Domina and is threatening the White Jems in from of her! I plucked a couple fan leaves to keep some light on the poor Jems!

The White Jems are starting to get purple in their buds! ( Irony?? ) Ducksfoot is getting wider also. Mystery Weed Gotten taller than the duck now. CBD Haze is making bud nicely also.

White Jems:

white jem1 pic1 -7-17-2017.jpg
white jem2 pic1 -7-17-2017.jpg
white jem3 pic1 -7-17-2017.jpg

Azure Duck:

Azure Duck pic1 -7-17-2017.jpg


ducksfoot  pic1 -7-17-2017.jpg

Mystery Weed

Mystery Weed pic1 -7-17-2017.jpg

CBD Haze ( Auto )

CBD Haze pic1 -7-17-2017.jpg
ITS A JUNGLE!!!! Three days of shitty weather didn't stop these girls!

I cut 8" off the top of the Azure duck and the Mystery Weed as they were hitting the roof! My poor Blueberry Dominas are buried by the Azure! Had to bend a branch and break off a couple fan leaves to let in some light!
The White Jems are maybe two weeks from done. The CBD haze just keep getting taller and is very Sativa, she's a column of bud! There are a couple Blue Dragons buried in ther but they'll never amount to much.

Looking pretty good considering the late start!

Greenhouse all plants pic1 -7-26-2017.jpg
All plants at the front pic1 -7-26-2017.jpg
all plants pic3 -7-26-2017.jpg
Azure Duck pic1 -7-26-2017.jpg
Blueberry Domina in shade pic1 -7-26-2017.jpg
Blueberry Domina pic1 -7-26-2017.jpg
CBD Haze pic1 -7-26-2017.jpg
Mystery Weed pic1 -7-26-2017.jpg
White Jem pic1 -7-26-2017.jpg
ITS A JUNGLE!!!! Three days of shitty weather didn't stop these girls!

I cut 8" off the top of the Azure duck and the Mystery Weed as they were hitting the roof! My poor Blueberry Dominas are buried by the Azure! Had to bend a branch and break off a couple fan leaves to let in some light!
The White Jems are maybe two weeks from done. The CBD haze just keep getting taller and is very Sativa, she's a column of bud! There are a couple Blue Dragons buried in ther but they'll never amount to much.

Looking pretty good considering the late start!

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rad growth! when your plants start raising the roof I guess that means you've done your job, lol. I like your planter boxes. I'm thinking of something similar, larger feeding surface for big plants, I've got headspace for 5'ers