I started with a cheap one one of those clear with a green tint types. I was an 8x7x7. It worked but was falling apart by the end of the season. I bought another, same thing. Then I found these Shelter Logic greenhouses. WOOOO! What a difference! These are translucent, you can't see through them. My first thought was I'd have reduced yields. NO! In fact, my yields were much better! I high;y recommend Shelter Logic greenhouses!
As to grow style, well I started with just using potted plants but 3 years of hauling water and hand watering was enough. So I built a raised bed, 4'x8'x19" and filled it 1/2 way the first season ( that bed hold a LOT of soil lol! ) with organic soil, cow compost and Growmore organic boxed nutrients.
This year I expanded to 2 beds and grew all autos this year. Most were low yield strains but quality bud. Still, I've already harvested 1.5 pounds and expect at least another pound from these plants. I expect next years yields to be even better as I never added any nutrients to the original bed this year. I topped it up with 10 bags of Black soil and 1/2 a pickup load of composted horse manure.
To simplify watering, I bought a basic drip kit from Dripworks. For $50 you get enough materials to water 3-4 raised beds, hell of a deal I think! I added a water timer this year so now its also automated! I love it! Both beds are drip fed. I'm going to add dripfeed to my veggie raised beds next year.
And thats about it, pretty simple really. I keep it simple, that's how i like to grow.
I'f you plant by May 1st, you can get in 2 crops in my area. Three if you start some in pots and move them out to the greenhouse and place them next to or between the raised beds. These plants look like they may be able to come down by Oct 1st, any not ready them=n get chopped no later than Oct. 15th.
I'll get pics tomorrow, the NL is really fattening up!