Outdoor Pop22's 2018 Greenhouse Grow!

Nice to hear pop, these ducks are really peaking everyone's interest. I know those funky leaves peaked my interest when I saw them so I had to get a pack. I dont think the portal duck I got will have webbed leaves but if it does that'll be a huge bonus.

Black dragon is beautiful man. Not quite purple but not quite black either but when you look at it, it looks so dark almost black in the backdrop of white pistols. Really looking forward to see her later in flower.

Good luck pop heres some good vibes for ya
I've got at least one of the single bud plants that is very purple! I'll get pics today.

Nice to hear pop, these ducks are really peaking everyone's interest. I know those funky leaves peaked my interest when I saw them so I had to get a pack. I dont think the portal duck I got will have webbed leaves but if it does that'll be a huge bonus.

Black dragon is beautiful man. Not quite purple but not quite black either but when you look at it, it looks so dark almost black in the backdrop of white pistols. Really looking forward to see her later in flower.

Good luck pop heres some good vibes for ya
Here's some purple for ya!

Black Dragon pic1 -7-5-2018.jpg

Well things got thin in the greenhouse. most of the CBD plants are chopped and the black Dragons except one I'm letting her go a bit longer. The fat Blue Dragon also will get a few more days then the next crop will be ready to plant. Next crop are all autos, Looking like I'll have 6 Northern Lights in raised bed 1, the bed Blue Dragon is in, and 8 Lucy's Diamonds in the other. seedling are mostly sprouted and waiting in the small greenhouse with the tomatoes. I figure about a week to transplant.

Pics of the remaining ladies, except the Mataro Blue.

Blue Dragon Contest Bud pic1 -7-22-2018.jpg
Blue Dragon pic1 -7-19-2018.jpg
CBD Haze Contest Bud pic1 -7-22-2018.jpg
Haze CBD contest plant pic1 -7-22-2018.jpg