Photoperiod Pop22's 2017 Greenhouse Grows

2 of the plants just prior to trim, second plant is the Blueberry Domina. Got a nice harvest too, more than expected. 2 of the Jems were 14" tall with a couple well budded side branches, the rest were budsicles lol!

White Jem pic1 -8-5-2017.jpg
Blueberry Domina pic1 -8-5-2017.jpg
Mystery Weed is flowering nicely, recovering nicely from my abuse lol!
Azure duck Still not in flower...... don't know what I'll do with her.
Hammer of the Gods gotten big, considering the 3 gallon pot! CBD Haze is getting close to done, maybe a week.

Oh, and a little something hiding in the squash and peppers....hehe!

Mystery Weed pic1 -8-10-2017.jpg
Azure Duck pic1 - 8-10-2017.jpg
Azure Duck pic2 - 8-10-2017.jpg
CBD Haze pic1 -8-10-2017.jpg
Hammer of the Gods pic1 -8-10-2017.jpg
Weed in the garden pic1 -8-10-2017.jpg
Chopped ALL of the autoflowers this afternoon. With the shitty, humid weather, I've been watching my buds closely and sure enough, I found some bud rot this morning. Just a couple small spots but that was enough! I chopped 7-10 days early so not really much loss. Trichs were at 70-80% across all plants. There was a lot more bud than I anticipated from those little autos also! The Blueberry Domina buds weren't very hard, but that was from being shaded by the Azure Duck. Yet they were the ones with the mold. The Jems bud was rock hard! Dense and sweet smelling! So I say it was a good harvest, and I'm going to have some variety to smoke/vape again!
I'll post pics later, only took a couple when I thought of it at the beginning of trimming.
Man you are the 3rd person (myself included) that had an issue with bud rot this year. That I know of so far that is
I see it here every year, stupid humid considering my location........ I just watch closely when the buds start to fatten up! I only found a couple spots. tossed maybe three buds total, so far......... I hope I stay ahead of it as I'm think just the Mystery Weed and the Azure Duck may bring in a pound! The tthree potted plants are just a bonus as far as I'm concerned lol!

Man you are the 3rd person (myself included) that had an issue with bud rot this year. That I know of so far that is